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pandas crosstab simplified view of multiple columns


I already referred the posts enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

You can use crosstab with normalize='index' on your different columns and concat the results:

pd.concat([pd.crosstab(sf['id'], sf[c], normalize='index')
           for c in ['status', 'country']], axis=1).mul(100).add_suffix('_pct')


    fail_pct  pass_pct  ANZ_pct  AUS_pct  UK_pct  USA_pct
1       50.0      50.0      0.0      0.0    50.0     50.0
2        0.0     100.0     50.0     50.0     0.0      0.0
handling NaNs:
pd.concat([pd.crosstab(sf['id'], sf[c].fillna('NA'), normalize='index')
             .drop(columns='NA', errors='ignore')
           for c in ['status', 'country']], axis=1).mul(100).add_suffix('_pct')


    fail_pct  pass_pct  ANZ_pct  AUS_pct  UK_pct  USA_pct
1       50.0      50.0      0.0      0.0    50.0     50.0
2        0.0      75.0     50.0     50.0     0.0      0.0
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