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Terminal: SORT command; how to sort correctly?


I have written a shell script that gets all the file names from a folder, and all its sub-folders, and copies them to the clipboard after sorting (removing all paths; I just need a simple file list of the thousands of randomly named files within).

What I can’t figure out is how to get the SORT command to sort properly. Meaning, the way a spreadsheet would sort things. Or the way your Mac finder sorts things.

Underscores > numbers > letters (regardless of case)

Anyone know how to do this? Sort -n only works for files starting with numbers, sort -f was close but separated the lower case and capitals in a weird way, and anything starting with a number was all over the place. Sort -V was the closest, but anything started with an underscore went to the bottom instead of the top… I’m about to lose my mind.

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