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SWS browser divided, no three nuclear browser in the world


Official notification () : on February 12, 2020, SWS organization officially SWS browser can be divided into two versions, namely, based on its original and gecko SWS browser version, and because of the compatibility and stability considerations, based on the part of the SWS ie browser is split out alone, became the SWS browser lite version, as a substitute to ie's speed was released, the personage inside course of study points out, the segmentation of the SWS browser represents the SWS browser to get rid of the limitation of the Windows platform, can be ported to Linux and MAC of new browser, browser will make SWS solve domestic Internet companies such as 360 and so on were unable to resolve technical problems, the transplantation of platform become the international first-class ultra-fast ultra-high stability safe browser, visible this update significance,

Small make up comment on: dual-core, three nuclear browser once the rage, domestic manufacturers also component of its own products, with the progress of technology, however, multi-core browser poor stability, the problem of slow is becoming more and more serious, after the collapse of SWS browser, there is no issue in the world of three nuclear browser, can also according to judge the trend of the browser is going to return uncut jade to put in,

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