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H5 to implement the mobile page


How to use the h5 to implement the mobile page live

CodePudding user response:

Side, video element is the support for h. 264, gathering there is converted to h. 264, this collection is not very understand, to call camera phones, audio video processing conversion synthesis, there should be a good player, others have written can look on the lot

CodePudding user response:


Classmate: product deleterious

Test the boss: Chris

Ops classmate: the original original

Business sister: lele

Front end: I

One day
Liang liang: "hi! Let's do a live it! Do work operations use!"

Somersault mind countless kinds of compatible with various processing solution and function realization way,

I: "good!"

Demand is not complicated:

Sign up for an offline activities, can watch live at WeChat, if it is a live time before open the watch is playing a fixed trailers

Interface (omit various requirement review, internal audit, interactive review... )

After days of

Chris: "test environment test pass, the function is normal, video playback normal! Can release production!"

The original email confirmation original to chunchun, in their ears, the avalanche of a rap: "release done!"

After half a minute

I don't know who shout loudly 1: "I grass trailers how so card!"

And a face of meng force of looked at me,

Chris looked at me, pushed for a face of meng

Lele a face of meng force and looked at me,

I a face of meng force of looking at the code...

"There should be a production server group IT limits the bandwidth of the video stream" original patrol the server side of the original calm said

Lele: "we put the video to youku, anyway just live before use, were cut to a live source during the live broadcast"

Well, to start!


Chris: "test environment test pass, the function is normal, video playback normal! Can release production!"

The original email confirmation original to chunchun, in their ears, the avalanche of a rap: "release done!"

After half a minute

I don't know who in the Shouting: "I grass, how the page directly!

And a face of meng force of looked at me,

Chris looked at me, pushed for a face of meng

Lele a face of meng force and looked at me,

I a face of meng force of looking at the code...

Youku default is found after the Debug an HTTP address, just our production is HTTPS, so browser security mechanism to intercept the

Fortunately, youku HTTPS address could also run, and he whistled sou like plunges three thousand feet moment to deal with the emergency problem (which is actually behind the HTTP put a s)

The third time to mention test

Chris: "test environment test pass, the function is normal, video playback normal! Can release production!"

The original email confirmation original to chunchun, in their ears, the avalanche of a rap: "release done!"

Well! This time no I do not know who yell 1


Liang liang doubt way:

"We are in your own APP embedded in the page, but android APP can't play the video!"

And a face of meng force of looked at me,

Chris looked at me, pushed for a face of meng

Lele a face of meng force and looked at me,

I a face of meng force of looking at the code...

Verified: WeChat, iosAPP, PC, safari, are no problem, only AndroidAPP problem with embedded

Too late to find a reason to change a plan to replace (after the event, probably guess is AndroidAPP webView has not caused by open localStroage)

Live so we contacted the suppliers, trailers to mp4 on their server and provide address

Determination of cooperation is very happy, we didn't also very happy to get the address, code and submitted to the test

Late at night

Chris: "in the android APP can't open trailers, direct X button off!"

Urgent to find reasons:

The android part models, broadcast video element in the webView m3u8, tune up own video playback component

Solution is very simple, the APP end detected webView video playback, manual help to open their own video playback component

But the APP changes need to send, need to submit audit,


"We will be in the APP video playback, put an image instead, let them share to watch after WeChat!" Liang liang give solutions

So we modify the code again, submit the test,

The next day

Chris: "test environment test pass, the function is normal, video playback normal! Can release production!"

The original email confirmation original to chunchun, in their ears, the avalanche of a rap: "release done!"

Liang liang: "the verification no problem"

A seaside breath a sigh of relief,

Chris breathed a sigh of relief,

Lele breath a sigh of relief,

I breathed a sigh of relief

Wait for Sunday officially live

However, things are always not so good!

Live on the same day

I: "IOS testing live streams no problem"

Look sad face in the group, said: "android live 0% load flow, could you check the reason?"

And a face of meng force of looked at me,

Chris looked at me, pushed for a face of meng

Lele a face of meng force and looked at me,

I a face of meng force of looking at the code oh no, look at group,,,,

So I in the ear of rush back to the company

The Debug, and constantly check the reason...


Live streaming live suppliers, although support HTTPS, but is a false certificate, blocked by WeChat!


Version so it needs a total 5 times, changed 5 * N times, the last of the last or live in time and there is no perfect run down (android models of customer failed to watch live)

That is a live demand on pit experience

Summarized as follows:

1. The android support for m3u8 is not very good, especially common in the webView

2. The use of third-party code or HTML tags, please make sure that the webView compatibility, such as whether the open function fully open

3. Live and suppliers, and ensure that includes HTTPS support is 100% perfect

4. Kill you don't do live needs! Kill you don't do live needs! Kill you don't do live needs! The important things three times!

CodePudding user response:

A malicious man..
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