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Angular passed data from service to component not working with ngFor?


Hello im using angular to make a video game page, when you click a specific title it sends the id to make a api call with the specific id. I can get the data into the selected-games component where i want to use it but when i use ngFor it shows nothing. no errors and no data.

home component where the you can select the specific video game. I added the settimeout and routing to this ts file thinking if i could delay the routing until the array in selected-game-component loaded but it didnt work.

constructor( private getGame: SelectedGameComponent, private router: Router) { }

  ngOnInit(): void {

  sendId(id: any){
  // this.gamesService.functionGetGameById(id);

     setTimeout( () => {
     }, 5000)

The selected game component where im trying to map the data in the html file

game: any = [];
constructor(private getGames: FetchingVideoGamesService) { }

 test(id: any){
    this.getGames.functionGetGameById(id).subscribe(response =>{
      this.game = response;

and the fetch service

 functionGetGameById(id: any){
    return this.http.get<any>('https://api.rawg.io/api/games/' id '?key=keyremovedforpost'
      .pipe(map(response =>{
        const gameArray: any = [];
        console.log(gameArray, 'response from service')
        return gameArray[0]


CodePudding user response:

You are injecting a child component into the parent component... you might as well use a service for that.

I suggest the following approach, which is the recommended one, a reactive approach, let the parent call functionGetGameById() from the service, once the parent gets the data back, then proceeds to send it to his child.


export class ParentComponent {
  games$!: Observable<any[]>;

  constructor(private getGames: FetchingVideoGamesService) { }
  callTheService(id: string): void {
    this.games$ = this.getGames.functionGetGameById(id);

parent html

<your-child-component [theGames]="games$ | async">


export class ChildComponent {
  @Input() theGames!: any[];

child html

<div *ngFor="let game of theGames">
 {{ game }}

With this, you keep one-way communication between your components (top to bottom), the parent component becomes a smart component, the one that knows about the logic business, while your child component becomes a dumb component, it only does a very specific thing and that's it, if the child needs to send back some data to the parent, use an Ouput event emitter

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