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find by name the id of a multi level categorie


my main problem is how can i search by name the id of a given category, let me explain , so ,in my database i have a table called product_category where is stored a 5 level categories. let's take an example of it:

id name parent_id
1 A
2 B 1
3 C 2
4 D
5 A 4
6 B 5
7 C 6

so from this table let's take these two categories :

  • A/B/C
  • D/A/B/C

in my table the categories name are redundant but don't have the same id, now let's say that i want to search the id of this category (A/B/C) , is it possible in my case ? knowing that there's two categories named C with different ids , the same with B an A.

i am using python and odoo , but i didn't find a way to solve this especially that in my data base there is redundant names.

CodePudding user response:

You can use a recursive query that builds up the full path for each category, then filter on that full path in the final select:

with recursive tree as (
  select id, name, parent_id, name as full_path
  from category 
  where parent_id is null
  union all
  select c.id, c.name, c.parent_id, concat(p.full_path, '/', c.name) as full_path
  from category  c
    join tree p on p.id = c.parent_id
select id, name, parent_id
from tree
where full_path = 'A/B/C'

CodePudding user response:

The complete_name field is a stored computed field, so it can be used in search domains.

Example (odoo 15):

self.env['product.category'].search([('complete_name', '=', 'A / B / C')])
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