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Pyspark alternative to UDF function which loops an array


I've searched and can't find a suitable answer for my Pyspark issue. I'm looking for an alternative approach which is more efficient and doesn't use a UDF.

I have a simple equation in a UDF which has inputs from (a)literal constant, (b)column values, and (c)values from a list (or dict). The output must be created multiple times and stored in an array. Is it possible to do this outside of a UDF?

I've knocked up this simple example, although my actual issue is slightly more complex with more rows, a bigger equation, & loops over 40 times:

NOTE: V3 example question:

from pyspark.sql.functions import *
from pyspark.sql.types import *

test_data = [("A1",10.5), ("A2",40.5), ("A3",60.5)]

schema = StructType([ \
    StructField("ID",StringType(),True), \
df = spark.createDataFrame(data=test_data,schema=schema)

const1 = 10
const2 = 20
num_lst1 = [2.1,4.2,6.3,8.4,10.5]
num_lst2 = [20,40,60,80,100]
num_lst3 = [100.1,200.2,300.3,400.4,500.5]

def udf_whatever(num_lst1,num_lst2,num_lst3):
    def whatever(const1, const2, val1):
        DH = [None for t in range(5)]
        for i in range(5):
            DH[i] = const1 val1 const2 (num_lst1[i]*num_lst2[i]) num_lst3[i]
        return DH
    return udf(whatever, ArrayType(DoubleType()))

df2 = df.withColumn("UDF_OUT",udf_whatever(num_lst1,num_lst2,num_lst3)(lit(const1),lit(const2),col("num1")))

 --- ---- ------------------------------------- 
|ID |num1|UDF_OUT                              |
 --- ---- ------------------------------------- 
|A1 |10.5|[182.6, 408.7, 718.8, 1112.9, 1591.0]|
|A2 |40.5|[212.6, 438.7, 748.8, 1142.9, 1621.0]|
|A3 |60.5|[232.6, 458.7, 768.8, 1162.9, 1641.0]|
 --- ---- ------------------------------------- 

With Emma's help (in comments) I've got this to work but seems a little expensive to create new columns per list, especially with millions of rows. Is there a better way?

df3 = df.withColumn('MAP_LIST1', array(*map(lit, num_lst1)))\
        .withColumn('MAP_LIST2', array(*map(lit, num_lst2)))\
        .withColumn('MAP_LIST3', array(*map(lit, num_lst3)))\
          .withColumn('EQUATION_OUT', expr(f"""transform(MAP_LIST1, (x, i) -> {const1}   num1   {const2}   (x * MAP_LIST2[i])   MAP_LIST3[i])"""))

Any help much appreciated! Rick

CodePudding user response:

One way to do this is to use array_repeat and transform.

First, use array_repeat to create the base array with just the num3 values.

Then, use transform to calculate the value for each num3 value in the array.

For Spark 3.1

repeat = 5
const = 10

df = (df.withColumn('arr', array_repeat('num3', repeat))
      .withColumn('arr', transform(col('arr'), lambda x, i: lit(const)   col('num1')   col('num2')   i * x)))

For Spark 2.4 < 3.1

df = (df.withColumn('arr', array_repeat('num3', repeat))
      .withColumn('arr', expr('transform(arr, (x, i) -> 10   num1   num2   i * x)')))


Update with the new equation (const col list element) If there is only 1 array (num_lst), you can initialize the UDF_OUT with the array and do transform to add other variables to the UDF_OUT.

df = (df.withColumn('UDF_OUT', array(*map(lit, num_lst)))
      .withColumn('UDF_OUT', expr(f"""
          transform(UDF_OUT, (x, i) -> {const}   num1   x)
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