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Ruby on Rails select alias in where condition using postgresql


Im trying to return the supplier where the suppliers name is most similar to the name supplied. I'm using rails 6, and postgresql. In postgres you theoretically can't use a column alias in a where condition but you can if you wrap the select in parens. So I have the following

query = %Q[ (id, name, (similarity(lower(name),lower('Johns Limited'))) as sim)]
Supplier.select(query).where("company_id = 3 and sim > 0.65").order("sim DESC").limit(1)

which generates

 SELECT  id, name, (similarity(lower(compressedname),lower('Johns Limited'))) as sim FROM "suppliers" WHERE (company_id = 3 and sim > 0.65) /* loading for inspect */ ORDER BY sim DESC LIMIT $1  [["LIMIT", 1]]

so its stripped the parens around the select giving me ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid (PG::UndefinedColumn: ERROR: column "sim" does not exist) LINE 1: ...as sim FROM "suppliers" WHERE (company_id = 3 and sim > 0.65...

if I put the function in the where clause i cant sort by the best similarity

Any ideas - much appreciated

CodePudding user response:

You can use subquery in from and Arel to achieve this

select_columns = %Q[(id, name, similarity(lower(name),lower('Johns Limited')) as sim)]

  Supplier.select(select_columns).where(company_id: 3)
).order(sim: :desc)

CodePudding user response:

many thanks to stefanuk yurik for the solution.

sensitivity = 0.65
supplername = "John's Company"
select_columns = %Q[id, name, similarity(lower(name),'lower(#{suppliername.gsub("'","''"}')) as sim]

  Supplier.select(select_columns).where(company_id: 3)
).order(sim: :desc)`
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