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Js static pages dynamically modify the title


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Web page special effects of static code page effect & lt;/title> <br/><style type="text/CSS" & gt; <br/>Li {display: none} <br/></style> <br/></head> <br/><body> <br/><Ul id="box" & gt; <br/><Li> Static web page paging effect 01 & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Static web page paging effect 02 & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Effect of static web pages on page 3 & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Effect of static web pages on page 4 & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Effect of static web pages on page 5 & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Effect of static web pages on page 6 & lt;/li> <br/><Li> The effect of static web pages 07 page & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Static web page paging effect 08 & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Effect of static web pages on page 9 & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Effect of static web pages 10 pages & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Effect of static web page 11 pages & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Effect of static web pages 12 pages & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Effect of static web pages on page 13 & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Effect of static web pages on page 14 & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Effect of static web page 15 pages & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Effect of static web page 16 pages & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Effect of static web pages on page 17 & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Effect of static web pages 18 pages & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Effect of static web pages on page 19 & lt;/li> <br/><Li> Effect of static web page 20 pages & lt;/li> <br/></ul> <br/><Div id="page" & gt; </div> <br/><script language="javascript" & gt; <br/>Var obj, j; <br/>Var page=0; <br/>Var currentPage=0;//the current page <br/>Var listNum=2;//each page shows & lt; Ul> Count <br/>Var PagesLen;//total number of pages <br/>Var PageNum=4;//paging links to connect number (5) <br/>Window. The onl oad=function () {<br/>Obj=document. GetElementById (" box "). The getElementsByTagName (" li "); <br/>J=obj length//the number of li <br/>PagesLen=math.h ceil (j/listNum);//total number of pages <br/>UpPage (0) <br/>} <br/>The function upPage (p) {<br/>CurrentPage=p <br/>//content change <br/>For (var I=0; I & lt; j; I++) {<br/>Obj [I]. Style. The display="none" <br/>} <br/>For (var I=p * listNum; I & lt; (p + 1) * listNum; I++) {<br/>If (obj) [I] obj [I] style. The display="block"; <br/>console.log(i); <br/>} <br/>//paging links to transform <br/>Var strS='& lt; A href="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/#!" "Onclick=" upPage (0) & gt; The homepage & lt;/a> ';//page <br/>Var PageNum_2 PageNum=% 2==0? Math. Ceil (PageNum/2) + 1: math.h ceil (PageNum/2); <br/>Var PageNum_3 PageNum=% 2==0? Math. Ceil (PageNum/2) : math.h ceil (PageNum/2) + 1; <br/>The console. The log (PageNum_2 PageNum_3); <br/>Var strC=", "startPage, endPage; <br/>If (PageNum & gt;={PagesLen) <br/>StartPage=0; <br/>EndPage=PagesLen - 1; <br/>} else if (currentPage & lt; PageNum_2) {<br/>StartPage=0; <br/>EndPage=PagesLen - 1 & gt; PageNum? PageNum: PagesLen - 1; <br/>} else {<br/>StartPage=(currentPage + PageNum_3 & gt;=PagesLen)? PagesLen PageNum - 1: currentPage PageNum_2 + 1; <br/>Var t=startPage PageNum +; <br/>EndPage=(t & gt; PagesLen)? PagesLen - 1: t; <br/>} <br/>The console. The log (startPage, endPage); <br/>For (var I=startPage; I & lt;=endPage; I++) {<br/>If (I==currentPage) strC +='& lt; A href="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/###" style="color: red; The font - weight: 700;" The onclick="upPage (' + I + ')" & gt; '+ (I + 1) +' & lt;/a> '<br/>The else strC +='& lt; A href="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/#! '+ (I + 1) +' "onclick=" upPage (' + I + ') "& gt; '+ (I + 1) +' & lt;/a> '<br/>Document. The getElementsByTagName (" title ") [0]. The innerText="+ (I + 1) +"; <br/><br/>} <br/>Var strE='& lt; A href="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/#!" The onclick="upPage (' + (PagesLen - 1) + ')" & gt; Back & lt;/a> ';//back <br/>Var strE2=currentPage + 1 + "/" + PagesLen + "page" + ", "+ j +" article "; Article//* <br/>Document. The getElementById (" page "). The innerHTML=strS + strC + + strE2 strE; <br/>} <br/></script> <br/></body> <br/></html> </pre> <br/><br/>Add to achieving document. GetElementsByTagName (" title ") [0]. The innerText='the current page is xx; <br/><br/><img SRC="https://img.codepudding.com/202010/123901010653151.png" Alt=""/> <br/><br/><br/>Click on the page to modify the current title is page 1<p class="article - content rp"> CodePudding user response: </p>To solve itself. Thanks<p class="article - content rp"> CodePudding user response: </p>Document. 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