Home > front end >  ionic 4 - setting page variable not working in iOS and Android, but browser OK in browser
ionic 4 - setting page variable not working in iOS and Android, but browser OK in browser


I'm using google maps and trying to show a div when the user clicks a pin.

<div *ngIf="this.viewing_place">
  {{ this.viewing_place?.title || 'NO_PLACE' }}

function redrawMap(){
  let self = this;
    let marker = self.map.addMarkerSync({ position :new LatLng(place.pin_lat, place.pin_long) });
    marker.on(GoogleMapsEvent.MARKER_CLICK).subscribe(() => {

The click event is working good and the place object is being passed ok.

  console.log(place); //===========> shows correct object
  this.viewing_place = place; //======> set the page variable

The problem is that the div is not being displayed, like the variable this.viewing_place is not set.

So I created a manual method just for testing, and when I use this function, it works correctly.

  this.viewing_place = {title:'test place'};

Am I doing something wrong? This happens only in iOS an Android.. It works perfectly in browser.

CodePudding user response:

In mobile devices, angular has limitation calling change detection cycle when a variable updates from observable. I experienced this when I worked with Ionic. Try running you function inside NgZone to force the change detection cycle to re-render the UI.

constructor() {
  private zone: NgZone

marker.on(GoogleMapsEvent.MARKER_CLICK).subscribe(() => {
  this.zone.run(() => {


  console.log(place); //===========> shows correct object
  this.zone.run(() => {
    this.viewing_place = place; //======> set the page variable

Hope this helps you!

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