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Who can help me do a page, give students with a computational pages


My students are three art examinee, count each score is not their own, these days I look at the mortgage calculator can want to help my students to do a page like this, but I am pretty good, since the community help

Topic: art examinee score calculator
Content: the H5 page, computing function
1, the percentage of the column is optional, choose a another automatic locking
2, three box to fill in two, the third frame obtained data
3, is someone open the page, computing free for the first time, the second calculation need to send friends to use (if it is difficult to implement can also do not need to)

Resources: I have very clear with this logic, a web server

Screenshots is the final picture of my PS
Is static images below, do not need according to the calculated, that is to make students to add group, and then let them share, let more art examinee to enjoy,

CodePudding user response:

When one of the box to fill in the data, the other two boxes have the data, which box, and then change

CodePudding user response:

Entrance examination score: & lt; Input type="text" id="liankao" value=""/& gt; Points & lt; Br/& gt;
Entrance examination scores of: & lt; Select id="liankao_b" & gt;

The college entrance examination culture score: & lt; Input type="text" id="gaokao" value=""/& gt; Points & lt; Br/& gt;
The college entrance examination culture than: & lt; Select id="gaokao_b" & gt;

Cast archives points: & lt; Input type="text" id="toudang" value=""/& gt; Points & lt; Br/& gt;
Var liankao=document. GetElementById (" liankao ");
Var liankao_b=document. GetElementById (" liankao_b ");
Var gaokao=document. GetElementById (" gaokao ");
Var gaokao_b=document. GetElementById (" gaokao_b ");
Var toudang=document. GetElementById (" toudang ");

Liankao_b. Onchange=function () {
Gaokao_b. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/100 - parseFloat (enclosing value) + "%";
Gaokao_b. Onchange=function () {
Liankao_b. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/100 - parseFloat (enclosing value) + "%";

Document. The getElementById (" calculate "). The onclick=function () {
Var lk=parseFloat (liankao. Value);
Var lk_m=parseFloat (liankao_b. Value)/100;
Var gk=parseFloat (gaokao. Value);
Var gk_m=parseFloat (gaokao_b. Value)/100;
Var td=parseFloat (toudang. Value);
If ((isNaN (lk)? (1-0) + isNaN (gk)? (1-0) + isNaN (td)? 1-0)!=1) {
Alert (" you need two box has value, a box is empty, ");
{} else if (isNaN (lk))
Liankao. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/(td - gk * gk_m)/lk_m;
{} else if (isNaN (gk))
Gaokao. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/- lk * lk_m (td)/gk_m;
} else {
Toudang. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/lk + gk * * lk_m gk_m;


CodePudding user response:

Just a friend wrote a don't know right
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