Home > front end >  node: --openssl-legacy-provider is not allowed in NODE_OPTIONS
node: --openssl-legacy-provider is not allowed in NODE_OPTIONS


This problem appeared after an update sudo apt upgrade on Ubuntu 20.04. Previously, I worked on versions node v18.0.0 and npm 8.7.0, but after the update there was a problem, I ran command nvm install node --reinstall-packages-from=node, but it did not help. Now I use npm v8.12.1, node v18.4.0. When running the command npm start I recieve the message :

> [email protected] start
> cross-env PORT=10888 HTTPS=false react-scripts start --openssl-legacy-provider

node: --openssl-legacy-provider is not allowed in NODE_OPTIONS

part of a file package.json looks like this :

 "scripts": {
    "start": "cross-env PORT=10888 HTTPS=false react-scripts start --openssl-legacy-provider",
    "build": "react-scripts build",
    "predeploy": "npm run build",
    "deploy": "vk-miniapps-deploy",
    "tunnel": "vk-tunnel --insecure=1 --http-protocol=https --ws-protocol=wss --host=localhost --port=10888"

I went back to version npm 8.7.0, npm install -g [email protected] but now even the output of node version shows the same error :

node -v
node: --openssl-legacy-provider is not allowed in NODE_OPTIONS

attempt to update :

nvm install 12.13.0
v12.13.0 is already installed.
Now using node v12.13.0 (npm v)

CodePudding user response:

You can try to perform an unset on the NODE_OPTIONS production variable. It can be done from the command line.

Your Node version seems already up-to-date (version 18). A similar problem was already treated and solved according to the following Github link: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/136599

Hope the hints in the above resource help! Kind regards, Peter

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