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Images not loading properly after Next.js building and yarn start


I'm using amazon s3 as CDN, everything is working fine when I run the application using 'yarn dev'(domain added to next config). If I check inspect I can see the following value in the src attribute of the img element:

When I'm running 'yarn build & yarn start' the src attribute set as the following: src=""

which causing the issue loading the images, what am I missing here?

CodePudding user response:

though this is probably not the issue, I had a similar problem, just make sure that if you are using ReactJS to have className instead of class

CodePudding user response:

I was able to find the root cause for that issue(also reproduced with static images). I added an unnecessary config variable inside the component which disabled the React client-side and causing the loading issue. export const config = { unstable_runtimeJS: false, };

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