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DELETE sql statement in python


I have a postgres sql statement like so in python:

sql= """delete   
from {table}   
where person = '{Person}'   
AND name= '{Name}'   
AND sale= '{Sale}'""".format(table=TABLE,Person=PERSON,Name=NAME,Sale=SALE)  

I am trying to account for NULLs in the WHERE clause. I want to do something like this:

    where person=Person if person is not None else person is Person   
AND <continue same expression for other fields>

Is there a way to incorporate that?

One way would be to create something like this:

from {table}  
where "  Person if Person is not None else person is Person   "  
AND "...<same expression>  

Was wondering if there was a cleaner way of doing this?

CodePudding user response:

Let the database connector do your substitution.

where = []
vals = []
for k,v in ("person",Person),("name",Name),("sale",Sale):
    if v:
        where.append(f"{k} = %s")
sql= f"DELETE FROM {TABLE} WHERE "   (" AND ".join(where))
conn.execute( sql, vals )
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