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Linux redis springboot connection error Unable to connect to redis


Org. Springframework. Data. Redis. RedisConnectionFailureException: Unable to connect to redis; Nested exception is IO. Lettuce. Core. RedisConnectionException: Unable to connect to

1. Check if yml inside of the host with the IP address of the Linux system in your virtual machine are consistent
2. Configure redis port 679 in the Linux firewall open
/sbin/iptables -i INPUT -p TCP -- dport 6379 -j ACCEPT
The/etc/rc. D/init. D/iptables save
3. Modify the redis installation directory of the redis. Conf file
Change the following configuration:
# # bind commenting this line of code, listening all the IP address, the network can access
Protected mode - no # change yes to no, allow the network access
Daemonize yes # change no to yes, the background

These methods are used, and have turned off the firewall
What a great god know how to solve it
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