I am more than a beginner. Cutting and pasting from various solution, I built up the following code to split a string (which may have a varible number of chars, let's say from 50 to 1000) to an array. I need the chunks to be no more than 100 chars, and splitted at the closest space before 100 (no cuts in the middle of the words). The loop functions only the first time, cutting at the closest space before 100, then if more than one split is needed, it starts chunking between words. Anyone could help?
Function SplitString(ByVal str As String, ByVal numOfChar As Long) As String()
Dim sArr() As String
Dim nCount As Long
Dim x As Integer
ReDim sArr((Len(str)) \ numOfChar)
While Not Mid(str, x, 1) = " "
x = x - 1
Do While Len(str)
sArr(nCount) = Left$(str, x)
str = Mid$(str, x 1)
nCount = nCount 1
SplitString = sArr
End Function
CodePudding user response:
What you want to do can be achieved with a single loop.
To make life easier I've used the ArrayList as the vehicle for storing substrings.
The code below splits the input string into individual substrings, and then reassembles arraylists of substrings that fit the criteria of being less than a certain size.
You end up with an ArrayList of ArrayLists
Option Explicit
' This code uses the ArrayList object and thus requires a reference to msCorlib.dll
' e.g. Tools.References, scrolldown and check the tickbox for mscorlib.dll
' We use the ArrayList because it has a 'ToArray' Method and we don't have to worry
' about resizing arrays
' We return an ArrayList because this allows for more flexibility in subsequent processing
' To get a string back from myAL use VBA.Join(myAL(x).ToArray, " ")
Public Function SplitString(ByRef ipString As String, Optional ByVal ipSize As Long = 100) As ArrayList
Dim myAL As ArrayList
Set myAL = New ArrayList
Set SplitString = myAL
If VBA.Len(ipString) = 0 Then
Exit Function
End If
Dim myStrings As Variant
myStrings = VBA.Split(ipString, " ")
Dim mySize As Long
Dim myString As Variant
Dim myInnerList As ArrayList
Set myInnerList = New ArrayList
For Each myString In myStrings
' The 1 accounts for the fact that we will reassemble strings with spaces between
' and ensures that the reassembled string will not exceed ipSize
If mySize VBA.Len(myString) 1 > ipSize 1 Then
myAL.Add myInnerList
Set myInnerList = New ArrayList
mySize = 0
End If
myInnerList.Add myString
mySize = mySize VBA.Len(myString)
End Function
I've not tested this code, but have checked with Rubberduck and there are no issues.
CodePudding user response:
Please, try the next code. It returns an array of strings, no longer then numOfChar
, but ending where a space exists:
Function SplitString_(ByVal str As String, ByVal numOfChar As Long) As String()
Dim strArr() As String, strElem As String, firstChar As Long, elimChars As Long, i As Long, k As Long
Const maxLimit As Long = 100
If numOfChar > maxLimit Then Exit Function 'not allowing splitting for more than 100 characters
firstChar = 1
ReDim strArr(Int(Len(str) / numOfChar) 2) 'redim it at a maximum number of elements, to accept maximum of needed strings
If Len(str) > numOfChar Then 'split only if is the case:
For i = 1 To UBound(strArr)
strElem = Mid(str, firstChar, numOfChar)
If firstChar Len(strElem) - 1 = Len(str) Then 'condition to exit function when the last necessary element has been found
strArr(k) = strElem: ReDim Preserve strArr(k) 'preserving the array content before returning (to eliminate the empty elements)
SplitString_ = strArr: Exit Function
End If
If Mid(str, Len(strElem) Len(Join(strArr, "")) firstChar, 1) = " " Then 'process the case when AFTER the obtained string IS a space:
strArr(k) = strElem: k = k 1: firstChar = firstChar Len(strElem) 1: strElem = ""
ElseIf Right(strElem, 1) = " " Then 'process the case when the obtaind string ends in a space
strArr(k) = left(strElem, Len(strElem) - 1)
k = k 1: firstChar = firstChar Len(strElem): strElem = ""
Else 'the rest of possibilities
'go back to the first space:
elimChars = Len(strElem) - InStrRev(strElem, " ") 1
strArr(k) = left(strElem, Len(strElem) - elimChars)
k = k 1: firstChar = firstChar Len(strElem) - elimChars 1: strElem = ""
End If
Next i
ReDim strArr(0): strArr(0) = str 'return an array of a single element
End If
End Function
You can test it with the next Sub
and its stupid string:
Sub testSplitString_()
Dim x As String, arr() As String
x = "my string to be tested and something more should to be achieved and blah, blah, blah to the sky and more"
arr = SplitString_(x, 20)