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How to get top Fragment in backstack from DialogFragment


I'm using navigation to navigate between fragments.

And I have a DialogFragment, it can called from from many fragment like this:

 val dialog = FragmentDialog
 dialog.show(childFragmentManager, "home_fragment")

And I want to know dialogfragment called by which fragment

I tried with FragmentManager.backStackEntryCount but it's seem doesn't work

Can I have a advice for this problem ???

CodePudding user response:

There are multiple ways to do this ..

  1. You can just Pass a key in Bundle to your DialogFragment to check which Fragment opened it ..

  2. If your Dialog fragment a attached to a fragment in each case you can just use getParentFragment() . getParentFragment() will return the instance of that fragment. If its attached to activity then getParentFragment() will be null so watch out for this case also .

  3. you can also use getTag() from where it was open byt passing different tags to transaction .

CodePudding user response:

can you explain why you need to know dialogfragment called by which fragment

 fun showInAppDialog() {
        val mInAppFragment: InAppScreenFragmentDialog = 

  private fun dismissInAppDialog() {
        if (isFinishing) return
        val manager: FragmentManager = supportFragmentManager
        val mInAppFragment: InAppScreenFragmentDialog? =
            manager.findFragmentByTag("IN_APP_DIALOG") as InAppScreenFragmentDialog?
        if (mInAppFragment!= null) {
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