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I am in PHP cycle div, how to use js show hidden div?


Because's cycle so id are equal, js every time can only be the first div show hidden, and how to do

CodePudding user response:

No one will be?

CodePudding user response:

Didn't quite understand your code id generally only allow the existence of a
As you said you can add a div outside this loop hidden as a whole

CodePudding user response:

reference 2 floor console. The log () response:
didn't quite understand your code id generally only allow the existence of a
As you say you can add a div outside this loop integral hidden

I query the database, then the while loop div output to the HTML page, so the id is the same,
Id there is only one word, then I know how to do it under each div, information,

CodePudding user response:

Given cycle, don't use id, class, want to hide which used the corresponding index

CodePudding user response:

Page element id should be unique, id not to repeat, repeat. Id with document getElementById () or jquery $(" # id ") access, can only get to the first,
To obtain multiple elements, should use the elements of the class, and getElementsByClassName () or jquery $(" class "),
If you must use id, you can also use the document. The querySelectorAll (" # id ") to get more elements,

CodePudding user response:

Id is the only you want hidden div must have hidden conditions, and then corresponding qualified div set in the CSS display: none
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