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how to populate a column's value of a dataframe based on other column value inside a for loop?


I have a dataframe whose columns are populated using faker, this is the code

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import faker

fake = Faker()

def make_workers():
    status_list = ['in', 'out']
    room_list = ['FL1_RM1','FL1_RM2','FL1_RM3', 'FL1_RM4', 'FL2_RM1','FL2_RM2','FL2_RM3','FL2_RM4', 'FL3_RM1', 'FL3_RM2','FL3_RM3', 'FL3_RM4', 'FL4_RM1','FL4_RM2','FL4_RM3', 'FL4_RM4']
    Property = ['B1','B2','B3','B4']
    d1 = datetime.strptime(f'03/01/2022', '%m/%d/%Y')
    d2 = datetime.strptime(f'08/08/2022', '%m/%d/%Y')
    timestamps = pd.date_range(d1, d2, freq="1min")
    fake_workers = [{'ID':fake.random_number(digits=10),
                  'Property num': np.random.choice(Property, p=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]),
                  'Temp':np.random.randint(low=35, high=50), 
                  'noted Date':timestamps[x],
                  'Humidity': np.random.uniform(low=-35.09, high=70.00),
                  'Dust':np.random.randint(low=2, high=5),
                  'CO2 level':np.random.uniform(low= 350.09, high=450.00),
                  'room_id':np.random.choice(room_list)} for x in range(len(timestamps))]
    return fake_workers

worker_df = pd.DataFrame(make_workers())

I want to add a new column called Floor_Number which takes the values from third letter from room_id column, for example if room_id -> FL1_RM2 then Floor_number -> is 1 and so on

whats the way for this

CodePudding user response:

One way is to nest the list comprehension you already have going:

from datetime import datetime

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from faker import Faker

fake = Faker()

def make_workers() -> list:
    status_list = ['in', 'out']
    room_list = ['FL1_RM1', 'FL1_RM2', 'FL1_RM3', 'FL1_RM4', 'FL2_RM1', 'FL2_RM2', 'FL2_RM3', 'FL2_RM4', 'FL3_RM1',
                 'FL3_RM2', 'FL3_RM3', 'FL3_RM4', 'FL4_RM1', 'FL4_RM2', 'FL4_RM3', 'FL4_RM4']
    Property = ['B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4']
    d1 = datetime.strptime('03/01/2022', '%m/%d/%Y')
    d2 = datetime.strptime('08/08/2022', '%m/%d/%Y')
    timestamps = pd.date_range(d1, d2, freq="1min")
    return [{**elem, **{"Floor_Number": elem.get("room_id")[2]}} for elem in [
        {'ID'          : fake.random_number(digits=10),
         'Property num': np.random.choice(Property, p=[0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]),
         'Temp'        : np.random.randint(low=35, high=50),
         'noted Date'  : timestamps[x],
         'Status'      : np.random.choice(status_list),
         'Humidity'    : np.random.uniform(low=-35.09, high=70.00),
         'Dust'        : np.random.randint(low=2, high=5),
         'CO2 level'   : np.random.uniform(low=350.09, high=450.00),
         'room_id'     : np.random.choice(room_list)} for x in range(len(timestamps))]]

worker_df = pd.DataFrame(make_workers())

Readability could be improved here, perhaps by creating the entire dataframe within make_workers() or splitting this process/function into parts.


ID Property num Temp noted Date Status Humidity Dust CO2 level room_id Floor_Number
2012906991 B2 49 2022-03-01 00:00:00 in 30.4534 3 383.193 FL4_RM4 4
3491237933 B4 46 2022-03-01 00:01:00 out -2.28172 2 414.814 FL3_RM3 3
4774765663 B1 40 2022-03-01 00:02:00 out -28.6572 2 449.09 FL4_RM3 4
7897538907 B2 49 2022-03-01 00:03:00 out 60.627 2 365.443 FL1_RM1 1
6767676785 B4 38 2022-03-01 00:04:00 out 4.66333 4 350.222 FL4_RM3 4
1383598759 B1 38 2022-03-01 00:05:00 out 28.5089 4 368.719 FL3_RM4 3
9909123329 B2 42 2022-03-01 00:06:00 out -25.8358 3 361.844 FL1_RM3 1
2368808891 B3 40 2022-03-01 00:07:00 out -34.4912 2 390.457 FL3_RM4 3
2154969325 B3 49 2022-03-01 00:08:00 in -9.7037 2 381.218 FL4_RM2 4
4784061156 B2 35 2022-03-01 00:09:00 in 9.28874 3 448.503 FL1_RM2 1
1099496995 B1 43 2022-03-01 00:10:00 in 26.6181 3 437.796 FL1_RM1 1
4886335510 B1 40 2022-03-01 00:11:00 in 4.54296 4 421.517 FL4_RM3 4
1167417135 B2 47 2022-03-01 00:12:00 out 9.91049 2 363.036 FL2_RM1 2
8843281938 B2 48 2022-03-01 00:13:00 out -21.9967 2 353.61 FL2_RM3 2
1760220531 B4 43 2022-03-01 00:14:00 out 21.9313 2 396.611 FL4_RM4 4
6108731121 B4 42 2022-03-01 00:15:00 out -15.861 4 377.379 FL4_RM1 4
6240491738 B3 49 2022-03-01 00:16:00 out -3.72436 4 397.546 FL4_RM2 4
1487766621 B2 49 2022-03-01 00:17:00 out 16.5894 3 389.542 FL3_RM2 3
8797318432 B2 42 2022-03-01 00:18:00 out 12.3838 4 379.292 FL4_RM4 4
6681081800 B4 40 2022-03-01 00:19:00 out -7.06711 3 351.191 FL1_RM2 1
9273902981 B4 39 2022-03-01 00:20:00 out 46.1884 4 432.785 FL2_RM3 2
4708480330 B2 43 2022-03-01 00:21:00 in 3.87004 2 428.494 FL3_RM3 3
4618656781 B2 39 2022-03-01 00:22:00 out -22.7715 2 351.438 FL2_RM2 2
7637424523 B2 40 2022-03-01 00:23:00 in 58.0428 2 358.484 FL3_RM2 3
9554140160 B3 45 2022-03-01 00:24:00 in -2.04843 3 404.48 FL1_RM4 1
1886102987 B3 38 2022-03-01 00:25:00 in 59.717 4 396.403 FL2_RM1 2
8264475612 B1 37 2022-03-01 00:26:00 out 5.8059 4 353.922 FL4_RM1 4
8375042467 B4 41 2022-03-01 00:27:00 in -22.43 3 423.655 FL2_RM3 2
6580935111 B1 48 2022-03-01 00:28:00 out 49.2072 4 362.047 FL2_RM3 2
9222349838 B4 48 2022-03-01 00:29:00 in 9.86473 3 423.386 FL2_RM2 2
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