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Combine two data-frames on conditions



I have two tables with sample inputs below:


Name Fname FW_Base Seq FP_Base FW_Prop FP_Prop isChanged changeType
Audi A1 2 0 2 0 0 0 ""
Audi A2 3 0 3 0 0 0 ""
Audi A3 4 0 4 0 0 0 ""
BMW X1 5 0 5 0 0 0 ""
BMW X2 6 0 6 0 0 0 ""
Merc M4 7 0 7 0 0 0 ""
Merc M5 8 0 8 0 0 0 ""


1 2 3 4(FW_Base) 5(FW_Prop) 6(FP_Base) 7(FP_Prop) 8(isChanged) 9(changeType)
144 Audi A1 2 1 1 1 1 W
144 Audi A2 3 3 3 1 1 P
144 BMW X1 5 3 3 3 1 W
144 BMW X2 6 4 4 4 1 W

Expected Solution:

1 2 3 4(FW_Base) 5(FW_Prop) 6(FP_Base) 7(FP_Prop) 8(isChanged) 9(changeType)
144 Audi A1 2 1 1 1 1 W
144 Audi A2 3 3 3 1 1 P
144 Audi A3 4 0 4 0 0 NULL
144 BMW X1 5 3 3 3 1 W
144 BMW X2 6 4 4 4 1 W

Explanation of the expected solution:

  1. Baseline cars contain names of car brands with Fnames, baseline weights(FW_Base),baseline Parameters(FP_Base).

  2. Proposed cars contain names of cars with Proposed new weights(FW_PROP) and new Parameters(FP_PROP).

  3. By default the FW_PROP, FP_PROP, isChanged are 0 in Baseline cars and changeType column is empty string.

  4. isChanged=1 in Proposed cars tells that new weights or parameters have been suggested(if changeType = W, new weight change or changeType=P, new Parameter change)

  5. I wish to merge the tables on the condition that if the Fname in Proposed cars exists in Baseline cars, we substitute the respective columns in Baseline_Cars, along with imputing NULL for changeType incase no change were made. (e.g Audi A3 row)

Snippet code to generate the above sample input data:

baseline_cars = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Name','Fname','FW_Base','Seq','FP_Base','FW_Prop','FP_Prop','isChanged','ChangeType'])

proposed_cars = pd.DataFrame(columns=['1','2','3','4(FW_Base)','5(FW_Prop)','6(FP_Base)','7(FP_Prop)','8(isChanged)','9(ChangeType)'])

baseline_cars = baseline_cars.append({'Name':'Audi','Fname':'A1','FW_Base':2,'Seq':0,'FP_Base':2,'FW_Prop':0,'FP_Prop':0,'isChanged':0,'ChangeType':""}, ignore_index=True)
baseline_cars = baseline_cars.append({'Name':'Audi','Fname':'A2','FW_Base':3,'Seq':0,'FP_Base':3,'FW_Prop':0,'FP_Prop':0,'isChanged':0,'ChangeType':""}, ignore_index=True)
baseline_cars = baseline_cars.append({'Name':'Audi','Fname':'A3','FW_Base':4,'Seq':0,'FP_Base':4,'FW_Prop':0,'FP_Prop':0,'isChanged':0,'ChangeType':""}, ignore_index=True)
baseline_cars = baseline_cars.append({'Name':'BMW','Fname':'X1','FW_Base':5,'Seq':0,'FP_Base':5,'FW_Prop':0,'FP_Prop':0,'isChanged':0,'ChangeType':""}, ignore_index=True)
baseline_cars = baseline_cars.append({'Name':'BMW','Fname':'X2','FW_Base':6,'Seq':0,'FP_Base':6,'FW_Prop':0,'FP_Prop':0,'isChanged':0,'ChangeType':""}, ignore_index=True)
baseline_cars = baseline_cars.append({'Name':'Merc','Fname':'M4','FW_Base':7,'Seq':0,'FP_Base':7,'FW_Prop':0,'FP_Prop':0,'isChanged':0,'ChangeType':""}, ignore_index=True)
baseline_cars = baseline_cars.append({'Name':'Merc','Fname':'M5','FW_Base':8,'Seq':0,'FP_Base':8,'FW_Prop':0,'FP_Prop':0,'isChanged':0,'ChangeType':""}, ignore_index=True)

proposed_cars = proposed_cars.append({'1':144,'2':'Audi','3':'A1','4(FW_Base)':2,'5(FW_Prop)':1,'6(FP_Base)':1,'7(FP_Prop)':1,'8(isChanged)':1,'9(ChangeType)':"W"}, ignore_index=True)
proposed_cars = proposed_cars.append({'1':144,'2':'Audi','3':'A2','4(FW_Base)':3,'5(FW_Prop)':3,'6(FP_Base)':3,'7(FP_Prop)':1,'8(isChanged)':1,'9(ChangeType)':"P"}, ignore_index=True)
proposed_cars = proposed_cars.append({'1':144,'2':'BMW','3':'X1','4(FW_Base)':5,'5(FW_Prop)':3,'6(FP_Base)':3,'7(FP_Prop)':3,'8(isChanged)':1,'9(ChangeType)':"W"}, ignore_index=True)
proposed_cars = proposed_cars.append({'1':144,'2':'BMW','3':'X2','4(FW_Base)':6,'5(FW_Prop)':4,'6(FP_Base)':4,'7(FP_Prop)':4,'8(isChanged)':1,'9(ChangeType)':"W"}, ignore_index=True)

CodePudding user response:

Check Below code, sharing raw data also that is being used for clarity (created it before it was shared in Question)

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

Baseline_Cars = pd.DataFrame({'Name':['Audi','Audi','Audi','BMW','BMW','Merc','Merc',],

Proposed_Cars = pd.DataFrame({'1':['144','144','144','144',],

merged_df = pd.merge(Baseline_Cars,Proposed_Cars, left_on=['Name','Fname'], right_on = ['2','3'], how='left' )

merged_df = merged_df[merged_df['Name'].isin(Proposed_Cars['2'].tolist())]

merged_df = merged_df.drop(['2','3'], axis=1).rename(columns={'Name':'2','Fname':'3'})

common_cols = [(j,i) for  j in Proposed_Cars for i in Baseline_Cars if j.find(i)> -1]

merged_df[[i[0] for i in common_cols]] = merged_df.apply(lambda x: ','.join([x[i[1]] if (str(x[i[0]]) == 'nan') else x[i[0]] for i in common_cols]), axis=1).astype('str').str.split(',', expand=True)

merged_df[['1','2','3'] [i[0] for i in common_cols]].ffill().replace('',np.NaN)


enter image description here

Update - as per OP' comments below, it works with data shared in question

merged_df = pd.merge(baseline_cars,proposed_cars, left_on=['Name','Fname'], right_on = ['2','3'], how='left' )

merged_df = merged_df[merged_df['Name'].isin(proposed_cars['2'].tolist())]

merged_df = merged_df.drop(['2','3'], axis=1).rename(columns={'Name':'2','Fname':'3'})

common_cols = [(j,i) for  j in proposed_cars for i in baseline_cars if j.find(i)> -1]

merged_df[[i[0] for i in common_cols]] = merged_df.apply(lambda x: ','.join([ str(x[i[1]]) if (str(x[i[0]]) == 'nan') else str(x[i[0]]) for i in common_cols]), axis=1).astype('str').str.split(',', expand=True)

merged_df[[i[0] for i in common_cols][:-1]] = merged_df[[i[0] for i in common_cols][:-1]].astype('int') 

merged_df[['1','2','3'] [i[0] for i in common_cols]].ffill().replace('',np.NaN)
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