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For help! Baidu every display problems


Local HTML static page test ok,
Asp.net local debug test is normal, but on the server (IIS),
IE visit shows blank, chrome can display the chart, but the title and overlapping with local tests show there

Local Internet explorer version 11

Advice on how to solve this problem??? PS company can't install any software on the server or plug-ins, and can only upload a file to adjust the iis Settings such as

Every page js following

Title: {
Text: 'staggered positive and negative axis labels',
The subtext: 'the From ExcelHome',
Sublink: 'http://e.weibo.com/1341556070/AjwF2AgQm'
Tooltip: {
The trigger: 'axis',
AxisPointer: {//axis indicator, axis trigger effective
Type: 'shadow'//default is linear, optional for: 'the line' | 'shadow'
The grid: {
Top: 80,
Bottom: 30
XAxis: {
Type: 'value',
Position: 'top',
SplitLine: {
Graphics.linestyle: {
Type: 'dashed'
YAxis: {
Type: 'category',
AxisLine: {show: false},
AxisLabel: {show: false},
AxisTick: {show: false},
SplitLine: {show: false},
Data: [' ten ', 'says',' eight 'and' seven ', 'six', 'five', 'four', 'three', 'two', 'one']
Series: [
Name: 'living expenses,
Type: 'bar',
Stack: 'total',
Label: {
Show: true,
The formatter: '{b}'
Data: [
{value: 0.07, label: labelRight},
{value: 0.09, label: labelRight},
0.2, 0.44,
{value: 0.23, label: labelRight},

0.08,{value: 0.17, label: labelRight},

0.47,{value: 0.36, label: labelRight},
  •  Tags:  
  • IIS
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