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Little white canvas questions


Three vertical arrangement of buttons, respectively named "square", "round", "triangle",
Need to make the function: click on the button can display the corresponding graphic on the canvas,

CodePudding user response:

& lt; CanvasId canvas id="" width=" 400 "height=" 400 "& gt; & lt;/canvas> & lt; Br>
& lt; Input type="button" value="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/square" onclick="square ();"/>
& lt; Input type="button" value="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/round" onclick="round ();"/>
& lt; Input type="button" value="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/triangle" onclick="trigon ();"/>
& lt; The script type="text/javascript" & gt;
Var canvas=document. GetElementById (" canvasId ");
Var CTX=canvas. GetContext (" 2 d ");
The function square () {
CTX. FillStyle="# 00 f";
CTX. BeginPath ();
CTX. The rect (100100200200);
CTX. The fill ();
The function round () {
CTX. FillStyle="# f00;
CTX. BeginPath ();
CTX. Arc (200200120,0,2 * math.h PI, true);
CTX. The fill ();
The function trigon () {
CTX. FillStyle="# ff0";
CTX. BeginPath ();
CTX. MoveTo (50, 200);
CTX. LineTo (50280);
CTX. LineTo (350280);
CTX. ClosePath ();
CTX. The fill ();
& lt;/script>
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