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Building android project with pure Intelij toling, without gradle


I'm trying to setup Intelij to build simple Android project without the Gradle.

I know it is possible, as I was using it before.

I'm setting up the project foo out of the existing structure:

├── AndroidManifest.xml
├── res
│   ├── drawable
│   │   ├── icon_background.xml
│   │   ├── icon_foreground.xml
│   │   └── icon.xml
│   └── values
│       ├── colors.xml
│       └── strings.xml
└── src
    └── foo
        └── Main.java

Android module is detected correctly and configured. SDK is there, folders are marked correctly and structure recognized. But it seems that when build icon is clicked, no android specific builders are triggered. R.java and Manifest.java are not generated same as the apk file.

I wonder if it is some bug in the recent version, or i forgot to configure something.

What should I set up to make idea to build properly my app.

In case of any more details needed please ask in the comments, I will update the question.

CodePudding user response:

I got confirmation from the JetBrains support that non-Gradle build is not more supported for the Android projects. Sadly...

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