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Shell script calling ''zsh -l && some_command'' never running some_command


I have this basic shell script that I'm invoking via an alias:


cd /Users/tillman/t-root/dev/apps/actual-server && 
env /usr/bin/arch -x86_64 /bin/zsh --login && 
yarn start

It moves directory, changes the arch but does not execute yarn start

If I break this up into two consecutive commands (executing the first and then the second within iterm via different aliases), it works:

alias = intel

env /usr/bin/arch -x86_64 /bin/zsh --login

alias = abudget

cd /Users/tillman/t-root/dev/apps/actual-server
yarn start


 ~ intel                                                                                                          ✔
 ~ abudget                                                                                                        ✔
yarn run v1.22.19
$ node app
Initializing Actual with user file dir: /Users/tillman/t-root/dev/apps/actual-server/user-files
Listening on

Why is it that the first option, with all commands in one script, does not work?

CodePudding user response:

You need the yarn start to be run by the copy of zsh, not run after that copy of zsh exits (which is what your code does now).

Consider using a heredoc or the -c argument to pass the code you want zsh to run on zsh's stdin:


# ''|| exit'' prevents need to use && to connect to later commands
cd /Users/tillman/t-root/dev/apps/actual-server || exit

exec /usr/bin/arch -x86_64 /bin/zsh --login -c 'exec yarn start'

The execs are a performance enhancement, replacing the original shell with zsh, and then replacing the copy of zsh with a copy of yarn, instead of fork()ing subprocesses in which to run zsh and then yarn. (This also makes sending a signal to your script deliver that signal direct to yarn).

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