Home > front end >  Can't change the color of the numbers in RangeSlider library with Tkinter
Can't change the color of the numbers in RangeSlider library with Tkinter


It's not the slider from tkinter so it would explain why I can't use fg or foreground color even in configure or in a style. I checked the documentation and nothing about chaging the numbers color was found (it doesn't figure in the attributes)


hVar1 = DoubleVar()  #left handle variable
hVar2 = DoubleVar()  #right handle variable
rs1 = RangeSliderH(root , [hVar1, hVar2],bar_color_outer='blue' ,bgColor='red', 
line_s_color='green', line_color='gray',  Width=400, Height=65,padX=17 ,min_val=0, max_val=20, 
show_value= True ) #horizontal

How I can do this ? Any solution ?

CodePudding user response:

You can create a custom class derived from RangeSliderH and add value_color option to set the color of the shown values inside the override function getValues():


class MyRangeSliderH(RangeSliderH):
    def __init__(self, master, variables, **kwargs):
        self.value_color = kwargs.pop('value_color', 'black')
        super().__init__(master, variables, **kwargs)

    # override getValues()
    def getValues(self):
        if self.show_value:
            # update the color of the shown values
            for bar in self.bars:
                self.canv.itemconfig(bar['Ids'][-1], fill=self.value_color)
        return super().getValues()


# Use MyRangeSliderH instead with given value_color
rs1 = MyRangeSliderH(root , [hVar1, hVar2],bar_color_outer='blue' ,bgColor='red',
line_s_color='green', line_color='gray',  Width=400, Height=65,padX=17 ,min_val=0, max_val=20,
show_value= True, value_color='yellow') #horizontal

Update: If you don't want to use class, you can use tkinter variable tracing using .trace_add() to update the color whenever the values are changed:

hVar1 = DoubleVar()  #left handle variable
hVar2 = DoubleVar()  #right handle variable
rs1 = RangeSliderH(root , [hVar1, hVar2],bar_color_outer='blue' ,bgColor='red',
line_s_color='green', line_color='gray',  Width=400, Height=65,padX=17 ,min_val=0, max_val=20,
show_value= True ) #horizontal

def update_value_color(slider, color='yellow'):
    if slider.show_value:
        for bar in slider.bars:
            slider.canv.itemconfig(bar['Ids'][-1], fill=color)

hVar1.trace_add('write', lambda *_: update_value_color(rs1))
update_value_color(rs1) # update the value color initially
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