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I am a novice please the great god help me to look at a simple calculator code why the result is how


The <style>
Div {width: 300 px; Height: 500 px; Border: 5 px; Background: # CCC; position:absolute; Left: 600 px; Top: 50 px; }
# TXT {width: 295 px; Height: 25 px; The text - align: right; }
# btn1 {width: 50 px; Height: 30 px; }
# btn2 {width: 50 px; Height: 30 px; float:right; }
Li {list - style: none; }
Li {float: left; Width: 30 px; height: 30px; Margin: 20 px; Background: # FFF. }
Li h4 {the font - size: 10 px; text-align:center; }

Window. The onl oad=function ()
Var oTxt=document. GetElementById (" TXT ");
Var oBtn1=document. GetElementById (" btn1 ");
Var oBtn2=document. GetElementById (" btn2 ");
Var oUl=document. GetElementById (" div ");
Var. ALi=oUl getElementsByTagName (" h4 ");

OBtn1. Onclick=function ()
for(var i=0; I {

ALi [I] onclick=function ()
If (oTxt.value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/=0)
The else
OTxt. Value +=this. InnerHTML;
Var STR=[aLi [9], aLi [11], aLi [12], aLi [13]].
Var sum1=0, sum2=0;
For (var j=0; J {
STR [j] onclick=function ()
Sum1=parseInt (oTxt. Value);
OTxt. Value=' ';

ALi. [14] onclick=function ()
Sum2=parseInt (oTxt. Value);
If (STR [0])
Else if (STR [1])
Else if (STR [2])
oTxt.value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/sum1 * sum2;
Else if (STR [3])
The else
OTxt. Value;

OBtn2. Onclick=function ()
OTxt. Value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/oTxt.value.replace ($/./., ' ')

The <body>

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 5

  • 6

  • 7

  • 8

  • 9

  • +

  • 0

  • -

  • *

  • /

  • =

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