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HTTP POST request processing data


Encountered such a problem in the development of the API, post data or upload a file, the server will first read the request header related content, determine the URL or the HTTP method, if not legal will return an error, if the legitimate continue to read the rest of the content, but when the content of the post is larger, or the upload of the file is bigger, to judge the time haven't receive the data, this time the client may not show return information, I test on the Postman can see the returned json information, but there is no return information on the firefox plugin RESTer, the diagram below:

Caught in the figure, the is client, is server:

Have returned to the client application can see server data, but this time the client continues to send requests the content of the
In distributing the request content is still not fully, the server would return will affect the client receiving and display content back?
In general is to wait for all request content after receiving process? But it did not upload large files when need to wait a long time to get back?
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