Home > front end >  ISAPI_Rewrite pseudo static upgrade to IIS8.5 url rewriting process theory
ISAPI_Rewrite pseudo static upgrade to IIS8.5 url rewriting process theory


The original use ISAPI_Rewrite
Add a simple directly in ini
RewriteRule/detail_ (. *) _ (. *). The HTML/detail. Asp \? Catid=$1 \ & amp; Id=$2/N, I
Is the transition of the pseudo static page and the actual page
/detail/123/1000001. HTML
/detail. Asp? Catid=123 & amp; Id=1000001
Any regular expression does not need to know about a (. *) solution to support all alphanumeric characters even (code)
/ABC - 1-2. HTM
123/1/classification. HTM
China - Shanghai/1. HTM
BA CF/C9 % % % % A3/1. HTM

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Now use iis8.5 ISAPI_Rewrite before not to need to change the url rewriting
CSDN on someone says you can import code above ISAPI_Rewrite import according to other people say add ^ $

Test results of 404
/detail_2_1. HTML
Look at the log is
1/detail_2_1 HTML? Catid=123 & amp; Id=1000001
Is the only identification parameters, the source file could not be found.

Completely don't understand the reason, continue to find someone else to write,

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CSDN again looking for example

Test/t - 1 page through good phenomenon on the basis of the change

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Ok for t - 2-1. HTM such pure digital parameter transformation completed expected

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But some of the url is similar to t - ABC - 1. HTM format, that is, with the letter can contain the \ w \ \ w d simple

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Some url is similar to t - % % % % C9 CF BA A3-1. HTM, that is, with the Chinese character coding with percent of letters not line I use not wrap and not crossed this rule in the test if can but this do not know to have safety problems

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Some url is similar to the/t/123/China - Shanghai. HTM there is parameter is similar to the format of the domain name with a line feed the decimal point test can

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Feel the above two crossed the decimal point in not too general and improved into a - zA - Z0-9 plus - _ by also underlined the underline is alphanumeric

According to this line of thought, the Chinese url is also modified to \ w \ % by

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At this point, all the pseudo static file format can be changed.

Digital parameters [d \]
Letter [/w]
[English parameters - a - zA - Z0-9 _] (alphanumeric plus crossed the underline) use/- \ w_ too?
Chinese parameters [\ w \ %] (encoded alphanumeric plus %)

Don't know if you have any questions about this because previous test (. *) people often get into code.

Is there a better writing welcome advice

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