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Working with multiple DbContext instances causes wrong values to be loaded from database Entity Fram


I'm writing an ASP.NET Core API in which the dependency injection container provides me with instances of my DbContext class. I set the service lifetime of the DbContext to transient (which means that the container will create a new instance for every class and every request).

builder.Services.AddDbContext<ComparisonInfoContext>(dbContextOptions => 
dbContextOptions.UseSqlServer("Connection string"), ServiceLifetime.Transient, ServiceLifetime.Transient);

Here is my DbContext class:

 public class ComparisonInfoContext : DbContext
        public DbSet<ComparisonInfo> Comparisons { get; set; } = null!;

        public ComparisonInfoContext(DbContextOptions<ComparisonInfoContext> options)
            : base(options)

        protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
            modelBuilder.Entity<ComparisonInfo>().OwnsMany(c => c.DiscrepancyInfos);

I also have a BackgroundService class called JobChecker which I added by calling:


In JobChecker, I have a function that runs every minute and the first thing that function does is call context.Comparisons.ToListAsync(). The first time the function runs everything works fine, but the second time, this call returns outdated values for some reason (The values it returns used to be in the database but were changed prior to this call being made).

What I think is happening is the following:

  1. JobChecker (the BackgroundService class) receives it's instance of DbContext at the very start of the program.
  2. The function inside JobChecker calls context.Comparisons.ToListAsync() and gets the correct values from the database (no problems here).
  3. Some controller somewhere changes the values in the database using it's own instance of the DbContext.
  4. The function inside JobChecker runs and calls context.Comparisons.ToListAsync(). It sees that it is already tracking instances with the same id which came from the previous call (step 2). These instances were not effected by the changes made by the controller in step 3. It does not materialize the values it got from the database, instead it returns the instances that already exist. This is explained more here: enter image description here

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