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Problem with converting XML to CSV 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text'


I'm using python code that converts my XML to a CSV file and reads specific fields like "full_name", "item_name", "price", "in_stock". Unfortunately, I have a problem with reading the EAN field. During conversion, he receives the error: "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'text'". I would like to add that when I remove the EAN code, everything works without any problems. How to modify the code so that it can read the EAN as well? I would be grateful for a specific piece of code that I need to add.

Below is a piece of XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<catalogue date="2022-08-23 15:58" GMT= " 1">
        <item_name>Kieslect Smart Tag Lite Pack (2 x Black and 1 x White) Black White</item_name>
        <properties>            <full_name>Kieslect Smart Tag Lite (6974377570098)</full_name>

Here is my Python code:

# Importing the required libraries
import xml.etree.ElementTree as Xet
import pandas as pd
cols = ["full_name", "item_name", "price", "in_stock", "ean"]
rows = []
# Parsing the XML file
xmlparse = Xet.parse('in.xml')
root = xmlparse.getroot()

parameters = root.findall('.//product')
for product in parameters:
    item_name = product.find("item_name").text
    in_stock = product.find("in_stock").text
    price = product.find("price").text
    sku = product.find("sku").text
    for child in product.findall('.//properties'):
        full_name = child.find('full_name').text
        ean = child.find('ean').text
        "full_name": full_name,
        "item_name": full_name,
        "price": price,
        "in_stock": in_stock,
        "ean": ean
df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=cols)
# Writing dataframe to csv
df.to_csv('out.csv', index=False)

CodePudding user response:

Likely, the error you receive is due to larger XML (not sample posted) where one or more of elements (not just <EAN>) is not an available element and hence contains no text attribute.

For this reason consider Element.findtext where it defaults to None if node text does not exist. Additionally, consider built-in csv with its DictWriter and avoid the large pandas library.

# Importing the required libraries
import csv
import xml.etree.ElementTree as Xet

# Parsing the XML file
doc = Xet.parse('in.xml')

# Initialize CSV file for writing
with open('out.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
    cols = ["full_name", "item_name", "price", "in_stock", "ean"]
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=cols)

    # Iterate through elements and write rows to CSV
    parameters = doc.findall('.//product')
    for product in parameters:
        item_name = product.findtext("item_name")
        in_stock = product.findtext("in_stock")
        price = product.findtext("price")
        sku = product.findtext("sku")
        full_name = product.findtext('properties/full_name')
        ean = product.findtext('properties/ean')
            "full_name": full_name,
            "item_name": item_name,
            "price": price,
            "in_stock": in_stock,
            "ean": ean

CodePudding user response:

@Parfait, thanks for your help. This code is working finally! :)

Also i have the last question without making new thread:

I have this python code:
# Importing the required libraries
import csv
import xml.etree.ElementTree as Xet

# Parsing the XML file
doc = Xet.parse('in.xml')

# Initialize CSV file for writing
with open('out.csv', 'w', newline='') as csvfile:
    cols = ["Indeks", "Nazwa", "Ean", "Stan_mag", "Cena_zakupu_netto", "Link_do_zdjecia"]
    writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=cols)

    # Iterate through elements and write rows to CSV
    parameters = doc.findall('.//Produkt')
    for Produkt in parameters:
        Indeks = Produkt.findtext("Indeks")
        Nazwa = Produkt.findtext("Nazwa")
        Ean = Produkt.findtext("Ean")
        Stan_mag = Produkt.findtext("Stan_mag")
        Cena_zakupu_netto = Produkt.findtext('Cena_zakupu_netto')
        Link_do_zdjecia = Produkt.findtext('Linki_do_zdjec/Link_do_zdjecia')
            "Indeks": Indeks,
        "Nazwa": Nazwa,
        "Ean": Ean,
        "Stan_mag": Stan_mag,
            "Cena_zakupu_netto": Cena_zakupu_netto,
            "Link_do_zdjecia": Link_do_zdjecia

When I use it to convert an XML file with this structure, it's working, but in the output file it only extracts the first link from everything in <Linki_do_zdjec>. How to make the output file include links to pictures 1, 2 and 3, not just to the first photo in <Link_do_zdjecia>. How to deal with cases where three tags have the same name.

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