Home > front end >  Regex for removing line X when immediately followed by line Y
Regex for removing line X when immediately followed by line Y


I'm looking for a regex for removing line X when immediately followed by line Y. I've tried this in a foreach (files previously gathered)

foreach my $file (@files) {
    say "Processing $file in $dir";

    open( my $fh, "<", "$file" )
      or die "Can't open < $file: $!";

    my $data = {};

    my $start = "X:";
    my $end   = "Y:";

    my $contents = do { local $/; <$fh> };

    my $count = 1;

    my $transformed = $contents;

    while ( $contents =~ /$start(.*?)$end/sg ) {
        say $1 if $1;
        my $formatted = $1;
        $formatted =~ s/\s //g                  if $formatted;
        $data->{$file}->{$formatted} = $count   if $formatted;
        $transformed =~ /($start.*?$end)/sg;
        my $removed = quotemeta($1)        if $1;
        $transformed =~ s/$removed/$end/sg if $removed;

    push @results, $data if ($data);



but cannot get it to ignore the 'ignore example' below.

Text to process (Y immediately after X):

X: John Smith,
Y: 1234 Main Street


Y: 1234 Main Street

Text to ignore (Y not immediately after X):

X: John Smith,
X2: 1234567890,
Y: 1234 Main Street

CodePudding user response:

You can use the following:


This is short for


g can be used to remove multiple occurrences.

  •  Tags:  
  • perl
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