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Matplotlib: How can I reorder the graphs' x-axis?


I have the following code:

def composition(tokens, title):
    '''creates a curve of composition for a corpus of texts'''
    token_lengths = [len(token) for token in tokens]
    fig = plt.figure()
    len_distr = nltk.FreqDist(token_lengths)
    len_distr.plot(25, title=f'{title}')

it takes the output of a function tokenize as tokens and you have to provide a title for the graph. For example, I tokenize a text with the title and provide the title (longjumeau) in the picture.

enter image description here

The x-axis is the token-length, i.e. word length (or shortness) sorted after their occurence. So that I can compare different graphs for texts with each other. It might be a bar-diagram, I on't care too much about the kind of the graph at this moment.

Edit, bcs I wasn't too clear about what question I have: How can I order the x-axis values in ascending order (2,3,4,5,6) as opposed to now seemingly being sorted by the highest value on the y-axis.

if further code is needed, this is my git-repo, not perfect code, sorry: enter image description here

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