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Pandas concat a row after group by and then resample


I have the following dataframe:

df dataframe: 
      item   date_buy    date_sell     profit window
1     shoes  2009-12-04  2021-08-14    0.22     10
2     shoes  2009-12-05  2010-09-19    1.5      10
3     shoes  2015-05-05  2020-15-15    7.3      10
4     shoes  2009-12-09  2021-08-14    0.82     4
5     shoes  2009-12-10  2010-09-20    4.5      4
6     shoes  2015-05-11  2020-15-16    1.8      4
7     hat    2009-12-04  2021-08-14    1.2      10
8     hat    2009-12-05  2010-09-19    2.25     10
9     hat    2015-05-05  2020-15-15    4.3      10
10    hat    2009-12-09  2021-08-14    3.2      4
11    hat    2009-12-10  2010-09-20    9.4      4
12    hat    2015-05-11  2020-15-16    1.8      4

What I need to do is to resample the data until today using data_buy as a key and separating the data by item and window. What I did is grouping my data by item and window, for each group I add the an extra row exactly as the last of the group changing only data_buy field with today date and then resample but the execution is extremely slow since I have several thousands of data.

this is my code:

    data = data.set_index(pd.to_datetime(data ['date_buy']))
    resampled_data = data.groupby(['item', 'window']).apply(lambda x: resample(x, now())
def resample(df, today):
    df = pd.concat([df, df[df.index==df.index.max()].rename(index={df.index.max(): pd.to_datetime(today)})])
    df = df.asfreq('B', method='ffill')
    return df

the result is correct and is the following (it's similar for the item hat):

df dataframe: 
      item   date_buy    date_sell     profit window
1     shoes  2009-12-04  2021-08-14    0.22     10
2     shoes  2009-12-05  2010-09-19    1.5      10
2     shoes  2015-05-04  2010-09-19    1.5      10
3     shoes  2015-05-05  2020-15-15    7.3      10
3     shoes  2022-09-15  2020-15-15    7.3      10
4     shoes  2009-12-09  2021-08-14    0.82     4
5     shoes  2009-12-10  2010-09-20    4.5      4
5     shoes  2015-05-10  2010-09-20    4.5      4
6     shoes  2015-05-11  2020-15-16    1.8      4
6     shoes  2022-09-15  2020-15-16    1.8      4

This snippet takes about 30s to execute and I wanted to make it faster. Am I missing some pandas best practice to make it faster?

CodePudding user response:

This will work I think, although it will still not be super performant. Adding today's date each time seems to me like something that can't be vectorised (I may be wrong though). But using concat is expensive, replacing it with reindex is definitely going to gain you some performance.

data = data.set_index(pd.to_datetime(data['date_buy']))

def my_resample(grp):
    return (grp
            .reindex(grp.index.tolist()   [pd.Timestamp.today().floor('D')])
            .asfreq('B', method='ffill'))

 .groupby(['item', 'window'])

CodePudding user response:

I might have a solution without .apply:

First step - Create a dataframe end_data that contains the closing date_buy entries for each item-window group:

today = pd.Timestamp.today().floor('D')
end_data = (
    .groupby(['item', 'window'], as_index=False)
    .agg({'date_buy': lambda c: today})

For your sample that looks like:

    item  window   date_buy
0    hat       4 2022-09-15
1    hat      10 2022-09-15
2  shoes       4 2022-09-15
3  shoes      10 2022-09-15

Second step:

data['date_buy'] = pd.to_datetime(data['date_buy'])  # Just in case
data = (
    pd.concat([data, end_data])
    .set_index('date_buy', drop=True).sort_index()
    .groupby(['item', 'window'], as_index=False).resample('B').ffill()
  • Cast column date_buy into datetimes (might already be the case).
  • Append end_data at the end of data.
  • Use column date_buy as index (drop the column), and then sort the index. The sorting is only necessary if the item-window blocks of date_buy aren't already in ascending order.
  • Now group the result by item-window, .resample('B') on the groups to upsample according to your requirement, and use .ffill on the results.
  • Then fill the remaining NaN/NaTs via forward fill.
  • Finally drop the first index level, and reset the upsampled date_buy-index as a column.

The result for your sample looks like:

        date_buy   item   date_sell  profit  window
0     2009-12-09    hat  2021-08-14     3.2       4
1     2009-12-10    hat  2010-09-20     9.4       4
2     2009-12-11    hat  2010-09-20     9.4       4
3     2009-12-14    hat  2010-09-20     9.4       4
4     2009-12-15    hat  2010-09-20     9.4       4
...          ...    ...         ...     ...     ...
13329 2022-09-09  shoes  2020-15-15     7.3      10
13330 2022-09-12  shoes  2020-15-15     7.3      10
13331 2022-09-13  shoes  2020-15-15     7.3      10
13332 2022-09-14  shoes  2020-15-15     7.3      10
13333 2022-09-15  shoes  2020-15-15     7.3      10

[13334 rows x 5 columns]

(Column date_sell contains invalid dates.)

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