Home > front end >  Add in hashmap only if value is not null and not blank JAVA
Add in hashmap only if value is not null and not blank JAVA


I have hashmap like below

HashMap<String, String> attributes= new HashMap<String, String>();

I am trying to add values in it like below

attributes.put("Id", systemGeneratedDetails.get(0).getId());
attributes.put("Name", systemGeneratedDetails.get(0).getName());

but sometimes getId or getName will return null or blank. In that case I don't want to add it in map.

How to do it in Java?

CodePudding user response:

The simplest way to do this would be to wrap the logic within an if-statement:

var details = systemGeneratedDetails.get(0);
var id = details.getId();
var name = details.getName();

if (id != null && !id.isBlank()) {
  attributes.put("Id", id);
if (name != null && !name.isBlank()) {
  attributes.put("Name", systemGeneratedDetails.get(0).getName());

Another interesting method of going about this is to use Optionals:

var details = Optional.of(systemGeneratedDetails.get(0));
var idOpt = details.map(YourDetailType::getId).filter(s -> !s.isBlank());
var nameOpt = details.map(YourDetailType::getName).filter(s -> !s.isBlank());

idOpt.ifPresent(id -> attributes.put("Id", id));
nameOpt.ifPresent(name -> attributes.put("Name", name));

Just make sure to replace YourDetailType with the actual type of systemGeneratedDetails.get(0)

CodePudding user response:

putIfAbsent() replace()

You can use a combination Map.putIfAbsent() three-args version of Map.replace():

attributes.putIfAbsent("id", systemGeneratedDetails.get(0).getId());
attributes.replace("id", "", systemGeneratedDetails.get(0).getId());

To avoid code-repetition, this logic can be extracted into a separate method and gentrified:

public static <K, V> void putIfNullOrEmpty(Map<K, V> map,
                                           K key, V oldValue, V newValue) {

    map.putIfAbsent(key, newValue);
    map.replace(key, oldValue, newValue);

Usage example:

putIfNullOrEmpty(attributes, "id", "", systemGeneratedDetails.get(0).getId());
putIfNullOrEmpty(attributes, "Name", "", systemGeneratedDetails.get(0).getId());


Another way to achieve that is by using Java 8 method Map.compute(), which expects a key and a remappingFunction responsible for generating the resulting value based on the key and existing value associated with the key:

attributes.compute("Id", (k, v) -> v == null || v.isEmpty() ? 
                         systemGeneratedDetails.get(0).getId() : v);

To avoid redundancy, you can extract this logic into a separate method and gentrify it:

public static <K, V> void putIf(Map<K, V> map,
                                Predicate<V> condition,
                                K key, V newValue) {
    map.compute(key, (k, v) -> condition.test(v) ? newValue : v);

Usage example:

Predicate<String> isNullOrEmpty = v -> v == null || v.isEmpty();
putIf(attributes, isNullOrEmpty, "id", systemGeneratedDetails.get(0).getId());
putIf(attributes, isNullOrEmpty, "Name", systemGeneratedDetails.get(0).getId());
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