I create an array of objects that hold the lengths of files with this command:
$lengths = dir -File | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object Length -First 5
However, I want this to be an array of integers, not objects, so I can edit the values easily. How can I convert this $lengths object array into an integer array?
Thank You! :)
CodePudding user response:
The answer was provided in comments but to give it closure, you can expand the values of the objects using Select-Object -ExpandProperty
. It's worth noting that your Sort-Object
statement is not actually sorting by Length
unless you specify the property to be sorted:
$length = dir -File | Sort-Object Length -Descending | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Length -First 5
Personal preference to expand the values, you can use ForEach-Object
, the syntax is far easier in my opinion but there is no -First X
$length = dir -File | ForEach-Object Length | Sort-Object -Descending
type will be object[]
(object array) even though it will contain an array of int64
values, this is default type for arrays in PowerShell, you can however provide a desired output type either by type casting or hard typing. Looking into the Cast Operator [..]
is a good starting point.
# type casting
$length = [Int64[]] (dir -File | ....)
# hard typing
[Int64[]] $length = dir -File | ....
For the latter, $length
is constrained to be assigned int64
values or values that can be type coerced to int64
, i.e.:
[int64[]] $length = 0..10
# can be assigned an `int32` and the array element will be converted to `int64`
$length = 1
$length[0].GetType() # => `int64`
# can be assigned a `string` which contains for example a decimal value
$length = '1.1', 2
# gets converted to int64 (no longer a decimal value)
$length[0] # => 1
# cannot be assigned a `string` which does not contain a type of numeric value
$length = 1, 'hello' # => ...Cannot convert value "hello" to type "System.Int64"...
While the former only enforces the type of the array elements however a new array of different type can be assigned:
$length = [int64[]] (0..10)
$length[0] = 'hello' # => ...Cannot convert value "hello" to type "System.Int64"...
$length = 'new', 'object', 'array' # succeeds
CodePudding user response:
Unfortunately, you can't use Memeber Access Enumeration
for Length
because it's also a property of the collection (Unlike, for example, (gci -af).LastwriteTime
). But another way to obtain your desired array is:
$Length = (gci -af).Foreach({$_.Length}) | sort -Descending
Without casting, $Length is the generic object array:
PS > $Length.GetType()
IsPublic IsSerial Name BaseType
-------- -------- ---- --------
True True Object[]
But all its elements are the same type:
PS > ($Length | gm).TypeName | select -Unique