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Master come in, novice don't come, because you can't!!!!!


This web site, www.w3school.com.cn/code compiler is how to write online?
Trouble directly!

CodePudding user response:

The eval can do

CodePudding user response:

The iframe, the document. The write

Then again, you ask is which compiler? Give a page address?

CodePudding user response:

refer to the second floor illiterate old gu response:
iframe, document. Write!

Then again, you ask is which compiler? Give a page address?
w3school sites inside the compiler can compile HTML js code, and so on

CodePudding user response:


<meta charset="utf-8"/& gt;
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device - width, initial - scale=1.0" & gt;
<meta HTTP - equiv="X - UA - Compatible" content="IE=edge, chrome=1"/& gt;
The name of the page & lt;/title> <br/></head> <br/><body> <br/><Textarea id="text" rows="30" cols="50" & gt; <br/>& lt; The script type="text/javascript" & amp; gt; <br/>For (var I=0; I & amp; lt;=9; I++) {<br/>Document. The write (I); <br/>} <br/>& lt;/script& gt; <br/></textarea> <br/><Input type="button" value="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/run" onclick="the run ();"/> <br/><iframe SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/about:blank" width="800" height="450" id="ifr" & gt; </iframe> <br/><The script type="text/javascript" & gt; <br/>The function the run () {<br/>Var STR=document. GetElementById (" text "). The value; <br/>Var ifr=document. GetElementById (" ifr "); <br/>Var ifd=ifr. ContentDocument; <br/>Ifr. SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/about:blank" <br/>Ifd. The open (); <br/>Ifd. Write (STR); <br/>Ifd. Close (); <br/>} <br/></script> <br/></body> <br/></html> </pre><p class="article - content rp"> CodePudding user response: </p><fieldset> <legend> references 4 floor sky waves reply: <legend> <blockquote> <pre> <br/><! Doctype html> <br/><HTML lang="en" & gt; <br/><head> <br/><meta charset="utf-8"/& gt; <br/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device - width, initial - scale=1.0" & gt; <br/><meta HTTP - equiv="X - UA - Compatible" content="IE=edge, chrome=1"/& gt; <br/><title> The name of the page & lt;/title> <br/></head> <br/><body> <br/><Textarea id="text" rows="30" cols="50" & gt; <br/>& lt; The script type="text/javascript" & amp; gt; <br/>For (var I=0; I & amp; lt;=9; I++) {<br/>Document. The write (I); <br/>} <br/>& lt;/script& gt; <br/></textarea> <br/><Input type="button" value="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/run" onclick="the run ();"/> <br/><iframe SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/about:blank" width="800" height="450" id="ifr" & gt; </iframe> <br/><The script type="text/javascript" & gt; <br/>The function the run () {<br/>Var STR=document. GetElementById (" text "). The value; <br/>Var ifr=document. GetElementById (" ifr "); <br/>Var ifd=ifr. ContentDocument; <br/>Ifr. SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/about:blank" <br/>Ifd. The open (); <br/>Ifd. Write (STR); <br/>Ifd. Close (); <br/>} <br/></script> <br/></body> <br/></html> </pre> </blockquote> <fieldset> what principle<p class="article - content rp"> CodePudding user response: </p><fieldset> <legend> reference 5 floor kuku_988 reply: <legend> <blockquote> <fieldset> <legend> Quote: refer to 4th floor sky waves reply: <legend> <blockquote> <pre> <br/><! Doctype html> <br/><HTML lang="en" & gt; <br/><head> <br/><meta charset="utf-8"/& gt; <br/><meta name="viewport" content="width=device - width, initial - scale=1.0" & gt; <br/><meta HTTP - equiv="X - UA - Compatible" content="IE=edge, chrome=1"/& gt; <br/><title> The name of the page & lt;/title> <br/></head> <br/><body> <br/><Textarea id="text" rows="30" cols="50" & gt; <br/>& lt; The script type="text/javascript" & amp; gt; <br/>For (var I=0; I & amp; lt;=9; I++) {<br/>Document. The write (I); <br/>} <br/>& lt;/script& gt; <br/></textarea> <br/><Input type="button" value="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/run" onclick="the run ();"/> <br/><iframe SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/about:blank" width="800" height="450" id="ifr" & gt; </iframe> <br/><The script type="text/javascript" & gt; <br/>The function the run () {<br/>Var STR=document. GetElementById (" text "). The value; <br/>Var ifr=document. GetElementById (" ifr "); <br/>Var ifd=ifr. ContentDocument; <br/>Ifr. SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/about:blank" <br/>Ifd. The open (); <br/>Ifd. Write (STR); <br/>Ifd. Close (); <br/>} <br/></script> <br/></body> <br/></html> </pre> </blockquote> <fieldset> what principle </blockquote> <fieldset> this code you just wrote a JS<p class="article - content rp"> CodePudding user response: </p>Is put in the iframe page, and then open the document flow, with the document. The write () to write HTML source document flow, it will automatically perform, <br/><p class="article - content rp"> CodePudding user response: </p><fieldset> <legend> refer to 7th floor sky waves reply: <legend> <blockquote> is put in the iframe page, and then open the document flow, with the document. The write () to write HTML source document flow, it will automatically perform, </blockquote> <fieldset> js code? 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