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Software development needs to learn what technology?


Software development industry salary level is very high, many new graduates even incumbents to engaged in this industry, currently covers the areas of software development and more extensive, different development direction need to acquire different knowledge structure, the development environment and equipment also differ, but the industry high threshold and turned off many people, so what are the skills that need to enter the industry? Here to do a simple introduction:

Web development domain

Web development is an important part of the current development, Web development involves the application field is very wide, can say that there is a need of Internet Web software and Web development is divided into front-end and back-end development of two parts, the front-end development needs to learn the three basic knowledge, including Html, CSS, and JavaScript, including JavaScript is important and difficult,

Backend development can use numerous development language, one of the more popular programming languages including PHP, Java and Python, in addition, the Web development also need to master database knowledge as well as the related knowledge of cloud computing platform (IaaS, PaaS),

Mobile terminal development

With the development of mobile Internet, the mobile terminal is development task, mobile terminal development focused on three areas, respectively is developing Android, iOS development and all sorts of small procedures, including Android development needs to learn Java or kotlin language, and iOS development needs to learn OC or Swift, small program development need to master its corresponding development language, most of the programming language belong to a kind of front end development language, is relatively easy to learn,

Embedded development

With 5 g standard ground application, the future field of embedded development will release a large amount of development tasks, including a large number of wearable devices development, etc., embedded development involves three aspects, respectively is equipment (all kinds of sensors, etc.), network and platform, C language programming language can usually start learning,

In the end, no matter in what area of development, should have the solid basic computer knowledge, including the operating system (architecture), computer network, database, etc., if you want to go r&d level programmers, must take the mathematical foundation, also require the system to the learning algorithm of design, data structure and compiling principle, etc,
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