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How to calculate a sum conditionally based on the values of two other columns


Feels like this may be a basic, but I cannot find a way to do this with sumifs.

I've got four columns in one table, representing the workload of an employee like this:

Job Employee # 1 Employee # 2 Workload
Job 1 Bob Jane 5
Job 2 Bob 2
Job 3 Jane Susan 3
Job 4 Susan 2

I'd like to output total workflow results to a second sheet for each employee based on a specialized formula. In English, the forumla would be:

Calculate the total workload for each employee. - For each job that includes that includes employee named "X" and no assigned teammate, use the job's corresponding workload value. - For each job that includes that includes employee named "X" and has an assigned teammate, reduce the corresponding workload value by 50%.

So with the given table above, I'd want an output like this:

Employee Name Workload
Bob 4.5
Jane 4
Susan 3.5
Bob = ((job_1 / 2)   job_2)
Jane = ((job_1 / 2)   (job_3 / 2))
Susan = ((job_3 / 2)   job_4)

Does anyone know how I can accomplish this?
Functions like sumifs seem to only let me set criteria to sum or not sum a value. But I cannot find a clear way to sum only 50% of a value based on a condition in a separate column.

CodePudding user response:

=LAMBDA(name,SUMIFS(D2:D5,B2:B5,name,C2:C5,"") SUMIFS(D2:D5,B2:B5,name,C2:C5,"<>")/2 SUMIFS(D2:D5,C2:C5,name)/2)("Bob")

The math is

  • SUM D, if B is Bob and C is empty and

  • SUM half of D if B is Bob and C is not empty and

  • SUM half of D, if C is Bob.

Or the same logic via query:

      QUERY(B1:D5,"Select B,sum(D) where C is null group by B");
      QUERY(B1:D5,"Select C,sum(D)/2 where C is not null group by C");
      QUERY(B1:D5,"Select B,sum(D)/2 where C is not null group by B")
    "Select Col1, sum(Col2) where not Col1 contains 'Employee' group by Col1"

However, note that we're assuming title contains Employee and no other names contain Employee.

Employee # 1 sum sum Workload
Bob 4.5
Jane 4(Incorrect in the question)
Susan 3.5

CodePudding user response:

Use this formula

=ArrayFormula({ "Employee Name", "Workload";
 QUERY({LAMBDA(a,b,c,d,k, {b,a,{d/k};c,a,{d/k}} )
              BYROW(B2:C, LAMBDA(c, IF(COUNTA(c)=0,,IF(COUNTA(c)=1,1,2)))))},
        "Select (Col1),sum(Col3) Group by Col1" ,0), "Where Col1 <> '' ",0)})

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