Home > front end >  I am using easyui framework, for the first time to use, want to ask next went wrong (hair wrong sect
I am using easyui framework, for the first time to use, want to ask next went wrong (hair wrong sect


Probably do a front end to increase the function of the database, the front of the form submission to the back end, but now there was a problem when I submit the front-end data to the back-end, said I submit is not an event, the backend is received data, probably is below this kind of situation, for the first time dealing with the front end, may hair is not very good, originally had introduced before too much cause of events can't identify js file, just after I introduced about easyui js file,
I still refer to the B standing video learn
Is the following
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1bZ4y1H7dr? P=12
But I don't know why he is right, I called the wrong
& lt; Link rel="stylesheet" href="https://bbs.csdn.net/themes/default/easyui.css"/& gt;
& lt; Link rel="stylesheet" href="https://bbs.csdn.net/themes/icon.css"/& gt;
& lt; Script SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/js/jquery.min.js" & gt; & lt;/script>
& lt; Script SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/js/jquery.easyui.min.js" & gt; & lt;/script>
& lt; Script SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/js/easyui-lang-zh_CN.js" & gt; & lt;/script>

This is after I had finished my use Google browser error screenshot

Below is I write this to increase the function of the front part of the code
& lt; Div title="as an ability to add" iconCls="icon - reload" closable="true" style="padding: 10 px;">
& lt; Div id="datagrid_toolbar" & gt;
& lt; A href="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/#" & gt; Add & lt;/a>
& lt;/div>
& lt; Div id="dialog_ability_add_buttons" & gt;
& lt; A herf="#" & gt; Add & lt;/a>
& lt;/div>
& lt; Div id="dialog_ability_add" align="center" & gt;
& lt; The from id="form_ability_add" action="http://localhost:8080/osp/appImplAddById" method="post" & gt;
& lt; Table>
& lt; tr>
& lt; td> Application code (appId) & lt;/td>
& lt; td> & lt; Input type="text" name="appId" id="appIdAdd & gt;" & lt;/td>
& lt;/tr>
& lt; tr>
& lt; td> Ability to code (abilityId) & lt;/td>
& lt; td> & lt; Input type="text" name="abilityId" id="abilityIdAdd & gt;" & lt;/td>
& lt;/tr>
& lt; tr>
& lt; td> Application state (appStatus) & lt;/td>
& lt; td> & lt; Input type="text" name="appStatus" id="appStatusAdd & gt;" & lt;/td>
& lt;/tr>
& lt; tr>
& lt; td> Create coding (createId) & lt;/td>
& lt; td> & lt; Input type="text" name="createId" id="createIdAdd & gt;" & lt;/td>
& lt;/tr>
& lt; tr>
& lt; td> Implementation code (implId) & lt;/td>
& lt; td> & lt; Input type="text" name="implId" id="implIdAdd & gt;" & lt;/td>
& lt;/tr>
& lt;/table>
& lt;/from>
& lt; Script>
$(" form_ability_add "). The form ({
Success: the function (data) {
Var json=json. Parse (data);
$. Messenger. Show ({
Title: "prompt",
MSG: json. MSG,
$(" # dialog_ability_add "). The dialog ({
Closed: true,
$(" # dialog_ability_add_buttons a: the contains (add) "). The linkbutton ({
IconCls: "icon - ok,"
OnClick: function () {
Var appId=$(" # appIdAdd "). Val ();
Var abilityId=$(" # abilityIdAdd "). Val ();
Var appStatus=$(" # appStatusAdd "). Val ();
Var createId=$(" # createIdAdd "). Val ();
Var implId=$(" # implIdAdd "). Val ();
$(" # form_ability_add "). The form (the 'submit' {
AppId: appId,
AbilityId: abilityId,
AppStatus: appStatus,
CreateId: createId,
ImplId: implId,
$(" # datagrid_toolbar a: the contains (add) "). The linkbutton ({
IconCls: "icon_add,"
OnClick: function () {
$(" # dialog_ability_add "). The dialog ({
Closed: false,
Modal: true,
$(" # dialog_ability_add_buttons "). The CSS (" width ", "240 px"). The CSS (" text - align ", 'center');
$(" # dialog_ability_add "). The dialog ({
Width: 400,
Title: "add ability to apply,"
IconCls: "icon - man,"
Buttons: "# dialog_ability_add_buttons",
Closed: true,

& lt;/script>

& lt;/div>
& lt;/div>

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