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How to do an Excel FILTER including a match on multiple (arbitrary) fields?


I'm trying to do a FILTER considering to include a match on several columns (whose number is not predefined at start). Explaining...

Consider the following table:


I want to FILTER when COL1 OR COL2 OR COL3 contain, for instance, "XXXX". The result here would be:


I know I can do the following, and it works:

  • =FILTER(A1:A4;(B1:B4="XXXX") (C1:C4="XXXX") (D1:D4="XXXX");"")

The question is that the number of columns COL can grow/shrink and one would need to add many OR conditions on the include which is non practical.

I was expecting to be able to do something like the following:

  • =FILTER(A1:A4;B1:D4="XXXX";"")

But this does not work as the FILTER include parameter needs to have size 1 column per 4 rows in order to operate.

I understand that, to do this, I might "just" need to create an array with TRUEs/FALSEs that can then be used in the include of the FILTER function. But my Excel skills do not go so deep :)

Question: how to I do this in one Excel formula ?

CodePudding user response:

I think you were headed in the right direction. B1:D4="XXXX" gets you to a 3 column by 4 row array of TRUE and FALSE values. What you're wanting to do is then perform a "row-wise OR of all the values in each row, one row at a time." So... Let's actually do just that, a row-wise OR of each row:


This will result in a column array like {TRUE;TRUE;FALSE;FALSE} where TRUE means one or more matches and FALSE means no matches. In this case, rows 1 and 2 had matches, row 3 and 4 did not.

BYROW steps through each row of a two-dimensional array, and passes the row to a lambda function. (Note that in the BYROW/BYCOL functions, the LAMBDA is passed the entire row content as an array. This is in contrast to a function like MAKEARRAY where the "r" value passed to the LAMBDA is simply the current row number and not the content.)



Now you can just edit A4 and D4 to be what you need and you're off and running.

If this filter is going to become part of a more complicated formula, consider:

matchingRows, BYROW(B1:D4="XXXX",LAMBDA(r,OR(r))),
matchingValues, FILTER( A1:A4, matchingRows ),
// then use "matchingValues" in another formula //

CodePudding user response:

I think you're trying to filter out the values if any of the columns contain value "XXXX" in the same row. In that case you could use:


Or using BYROW:


Or more dynamically;

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