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how to use Formik to send data with multiple subforms


I am building a react app with DRF, and I am trying to build some flashcards, inspired by the app Quizlet. Whenever you create a deck in Quizlet you get a form: in this you need to create a deck instance and multiple card instances which means that you need to send post requests to 2 different endpoints (I am using postgres: there are two tables

Deck: title, description, directory_id, ...
Card: side1, side2, deck_id, ...


My question is, how would I go about this using formik in react? Do I use multiple Formik components like this

import { Formik, Form } from "formik"
cardForms = () => {
  for (i to n)
     <Formik ...>
return (
  { */ formik component for deck title and description */ }
  <Formik ... />
  {*/ formik component for each card form */}

It seems that it could work, however there are multiple problems with my solution. Each formik component would have a onSubmit prop. This means that I would hit the database n times (one for each card, plus the hit to create the actual deck). This is incredibly inefficient. I would like to have just two Formik components: one for the deck and one for all the cards. But how would I go about it? Thank you for your time and consideration.

CodePudding user response:

You can use just 1 Formik context for this. Just use formik's FieldArray component to access the individual cards. For example assuming your initial data is something like this:

  title: "deck title",
  description: "deck description",
  cards: [{
     side1: "side 1",
     side2: "side 2"
  {({ values }) => (
   <Field name="title"/>
   <Field name="description"/>
   <FieldArray name="cards">
     {({ insert, remove, push }) => (
           values.cards.map((card,index) => {
               return <Field name={`cards.${index}.sid1`}></Field>

More info here : https://formik.org/docs/examples/field-arrays

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