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Public sharing interface no results, don't know is what reason, the following code


<script SRC="https://res.wx.qq.com/open/js/jweixin-1.0.0.js" & gt; </script>

$(function () {
Wx_config ();

The function wx_config () {
Wx. Config ({
The debug: false,
AppId: 'wx4320c23a89e2354a',
Timestamp: '1576719758',
NonceStr: '6 d0007e16e814071b36e660ba2e6f46f',
Signature: '04 ed3faced1714722e485e35e4ac7538fc7a891f',
JsApiList: [' onMenuShareTimeline ', 'onMenuShareAppMessage', 'onMenuShareQQ', 'updateAppMessageShareData', 'updateTimelineShareData]

Wx. Ready (function () {
Var title='[competitive jianghu] - new fishing win money',//share title
Desc='new fishing, ask you to come here, download to win money, COINS, there is a lot more fun mode will quickly open together! ',//share description
The link='http://www.happysai.cn/weixin/downshare.aspx',//share links
ImgUrl='http://www.happysai.cn/weixin/images/logo2.png'.//share icon

Wx. OnMenuShareTimeline ({
Title: desc,
ImgUrl: imgUrl,
Link: link,
Success: the function (res) {
Alert (" share success ");
Cancel: function (res) {
Alert (" sharing failure ");

Wx. OnMenuShareAppMessage ({
Title: the title,
Desc: desc,
ImgUrl: imgUrl,
Link: link,
Success: the function (res) {
Alert (" share success ");
Cancel: function (res) {
Alert (" sharing failure ");

Wx. OnMenuShareQQ ({
Title: the title,
Desc: desc,
ImgUrl: imgUrl,
Link: link,
Success: the function (res) {
Alert (" share success ");
Cancel: function (res) {
Alert (" sharing failure ");

Wx. UpdateAppMessageShareData ({
Title: the title,
Desc: desc,
Link: link,
ImgUrl: imgUrl,
Success: the function (res) {
Alert (" share success ");
Cancel: function (res) {
Alert (" sharing failure ");

Wx. UpdateTimelineShareData ({
Title: the title,
Link: link,
ImgUrl: imgUrl,
Success: the function (res) {
Alert (" share success ");
Cancel: function (res) {
Alert (" sharing failure ");


CodePudding user response:

They have to solve, url address configuration
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