The content of the HTML table:
Results: after the export
5.82201582202582 e+23 lead to inconsistent data
Js code:
Var curTbl=document. GetElementById (tableid);
Var oXL=new ActiveXObject (" Excel. Application ");//create the AX object excel
Var oWB=oXL. Workbooks. The Add ();
Var xlsheet=oWB. Worksheets (1);
Var sel=document. Body. CreateTextRange ();
Sel. MoveToElementText (curTbl);
//sel. The collapse (true);
//sel. The select ();
Sel. Select;
Sel. ExecCommand (" Copy ");
Sel. Columns. Nu
Xlsheet. Paste ();
OXL. Visible=true;
Try {
Var fname=oXL. Application. GetSaveAsFilename (" data detail. XLS ", "Excel Spreadsheets (*. XLS), *. XLS");
} the catch (e) {
The console. The log (" Nested catch caught "+ e);
} the finally {
OWB. SaveAs (fname);
OWB. Close (savechanges=false);
OXL. Quit ();
IdTmr=window. SetInterval (" the Cleanup ();" , 1);
The Internet is so set in a different way, but my form merge listed each is different, can't read the way to set the: oSheet. Cells (I + 1, j + 1) NumberFormatLocal="@";
Look at what a great god guide how to setup the text,,
CodePudding user response:
Or support ie 10, 11 export HTML table form to Excel in other ways