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2019 the last feeling!


Only more than 10 days left in 2019, is to enter the countdown, a year and in the past, you wayward several times this year? Dare you still don't work hard? !

Why does a boss again difficult, also won't give up speaking out of turn? And a staff do not want to run away?

Why do a pair of husband and wife again noisy again big contradiction, also won't easily divorce? And a couple often for some small things apart?

On one thing, in the end, you, how much a relationship, decide how much pressure you can afford, how much can be achieved successfully, how long can stick to,

Comprehension: (a) the most difficult is not others refused to do not understand, but would you like to change for your dream!

Disciple asked: teacher you hit people swear sometimes, sometimes to people and polite, what's the mystery in this? The master said: treat gentleman speaks to the heart, can play can scold, true to his; Treat medium man most metaphor, discretion, he can't stand to abuse; Treat inferior to smiling, with his hands folded, he is very fragile, small mind's eye, only with secular etiquette to him,

You stand the feeling (2) : what kind of injustice, decide what sort of person you can be! Life is always realistic... Some cliff from do, some to bungee jumping with cliff,

A man can't swim, the old in the swimming pool is can not solve the problem;

A man will not work, change the old job is not solve their own ability;

A man does not understand business love, change the old lover is not solve the problem;

A man does not understand business family, a few times marriage cannot solve the problem,

Read comprehension (3) : one to heaven, a hell, where your heart is, where your achievements!

Crew members said, by the rocks destroyed is much larger than the boat overturned boat by the hurricane,

Perception (4) : many moments in life, is not to resist wind and rain, but to fill holes,

The gardener said, not all of the flowers are suitable for fertile soil, such as the desert is the cactus park,

Perception (5) : many of the success or failure in life, is not environment, but what you have chosen the right
way you

The cook said, never really good soup add MSG, but slowly get into juice,

Comprehension (6) : many of the class, life is not the outer packing, and the inner quality,

Workers said, cast steel youdao process is called "hardening", to put hot ingot of rapid cooling, cold water

Comprehension (7) : many brilliant life, is not the fanatical anger, but in the calm of condensation,

Photographers said, to tour remote fortress, someone called photo bitter years, someone called xanadu,

Perception (8) : many of the joys and pangs of life, is not in your situation, but your view Angle,

Only more than 10 days from 2020, waste you of time, have no time to regret, only pursued and change, you don't let tomorrow, hate never try to own today again! Come and time, from now on, change!

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