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dplyr filter return all from a data.frame


I have a selectInput function, and when the users select "All Universities" I want dplyr::filter to return all values instead. It's being passed a dataframe so dplry::if_else errors out.

                     "Select University",
                     choices = list("All Universities" = "all", "UAA" = "uaa", "UAF" = "uaf", "UAS" = "uas"),
                     multiple = F
        width = 2),

and here is my shiny table output function

   output$headcountTable <- function(){
     enroll_report |>
      dplyr::filter(struc_uni == input$university)|>
      dplyr::select(-struc_uni) |>
      dplyr::select(-struc_code) |>
      kbl(booktabs = T,
        col.names = c("Campus", 
                     "Fall 2021", 
                     "Fall 2022",
                     "Fall 2021", 
                     "Fall 2022",
        caption = "holder text") |>
      add_header_above(c("", "Headcount" = 4, "Credit Hours" = 4)) |>
               full_width = T, 
               position = "left", 
               font_size = 12)

CodePudding user response:

Here is an "in-line" version of the solution by John Manacup. It looks a little weird because you are using the |> pipe, which does not have a place holder, so I define one using the ()() structure and the \() anonymous function.

output$headcountTable <- function(){
     enroll_report |>
      (\(d) if(input$university == "all") d 
       else dplyr::filter(d, struc_uni == input$university))() |>
      dplyr::select(-struc_uni) |>
      dplyr::select(-struc_code) |>
      kbl(booktabs = T,
        col.names = c("Campus", 
                     "Fall 2021", 
                     "Fall 2022",
                     "Fall 2021", 
                     "Fall 2022",
        caption = "holder text") |>
      add_header_above(c("", "Headcount" = 4, "Credit Hours" = 4)) |>
               full_width = T, 
               position = "left", 
               font_size = 12)

CodePudding user response:

You can isolate the code that filters it and check it using a simple if.

NOTE: this only works if such case is isolated.

if(input$university != "all"){
    enroll_report <- enroll_report %>% 
      dplyr::filter(struct_uni == input$university)

enroll_report |>
  dplyr::select(-struc_uni) |>
  dplyr::select(-struc_code) |>
  kbl(booktabs = T,
  col.names = c("Campus", 
                "Fall 2021", 
                "Fall 2022",
                "Fall 2021", 
                "Fall 2022",
  caption = "holder text") |>
  add_header_above(c("", "Headcount" = 4, "Credit Hours" = 4)) |>
            full_width = T, 
            position = "left", 
            font_size = 12)
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