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Reshape time series data from wide to long for multiple variables


I'm working with time series data in wide(ish) format for many columns that all have the format "T1_v1_slow"..."T4_v1_slow" and "T1_v1_fast"..."T4_v1_fast". There are 42 variables with this format in total. I'm trying to use pivot_longer to return each variable as a column (e.g., "v1_total", "v1_Vig), with a single column for time. Example data below:

ParticipantNumber T1_v1_total T2_v1_total T3_v1_total T4_v1_total T1_v1_Vig T2_v1_Vig T3_v1_Vig T4_v1_Vig
1 41 47 45 28 8 5 8 11
2 16 25 -4 -4 11 10 18 17

I can get the data in truly long format using

data %>% 
  pivot_longer(-ParticipantNumber) %>% 
  separate(name, into = c("time", "name"), sep = 3) 


ParticipantNumber time name value
1 T1_ v1_total 41
1 T2_ v1_total 47
1 T3_ v1_total 45
1 T4_ v1_total 28
1 T1_ v1_Vig 8
1 T2_ v1_Vig 5
1 T3_ v1_Vig 8
1 T4_ v1_Vig 11
2 T1_ v1_total 16
2 T2_ v1_total 25
2 T3_ v1_total -4
2 T4_ v1_total -4
2 T1_ v1_Vig 11
2 T2_ v1_Vig 10
2 T3_ v1_Vig 18
2 T4_ v1_Vig 17

I can't use sep = "_" because I don't want to grab the second _. My desired output is:

ParticipantNumber time v1_Vig v1_total
1 T1_ 8 41
1 T2_ 5 47
1 T3_ 8 45
1 T4_ 5 28
2 T1_ 11 16
2 T2_ 10 25
2 T3_ 18 -4
2 T4_ 17 -4

CodePudding user response:

Simply use pivot_wider

data %>% 
  pivot_longer(-ParticipantNumber) %>% 
  separate(name, into = c("time", "name"), sep = 3) %>%

CodePudding user response:

  ParticipantNumber = c(1L, 2L),
        T1_v1_total = c(41L, 16L),
        T2_v1_total = c(47L, 25L),
        T3_v1_total = c(45L, -4L),
        T4_v1_total = c(28L, -4L),
          T1_v1_Vig = c(8L, 11L),
          T2_v1_Vig = c(5L, 10L),
          T3_v1_Vig = c(8L, 18L),
          T4_v1_Vig = c(11L, 17L)
) %>%
  pivot_longer(-ParticipantNumber, names_to = c("time", ".value"), names_pattern = "(.)_(.*)")

## A tibble: 8 × 4
#  ParticipantNumber time  v1_total v1_Vig
#              <int> <chr>    <int>  <int>
#1                 1 1           41      8
#2                 1 2           47      5
#3                 1 3           45      8
#4                 1 4           28     11
#5                 2 1           16     11
#6                 2 2           25     10
#7                 2 3           -4     18
#8                 2 4           -4     17
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