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@ControllerAdvice in Exception handling


I have used the validation in my project to handle the exceptions but now I know @ ControllerAdvice is also used for exception handling can anyone tell me why I use it and what the difference is and how to use it, as I am not able to understand from the resources.

Using validation :

    public class UserController {

        UserRepository userrepo;
        ResponseEntity<?> create( @Valid @RequestBody User user) {
            User addeduser = userrepo.save(user);
            URI location = ServletUriComponentsBuilder.fromCurrentRequest()
            return ResponseEntity.created(location).build();

Using ControllerAdvice:

    public class GlobalResponseException {
        public void handleMyException() {}

Want I really want to know is how it's working.

CodePudding user response:

@ControllerAdvice is a specialization of the @Component annotation which allows to handle exceptions across the whole application in one global handling component. It can be viewed as an interceptor of exceptions thrown by methods annotated with @RequestMapping and similar. you can also refer this: https://medium.com/@jovannypcg/understanding-springs-controlleradvice-cd96a364033f

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