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Looping and splitting Object


how to loop on object and split it by ":" into separate one

 labs:  [1,2,":",3,4],
 level: [1,2,":",3,4]

Expected Output:

 labs:  [1,2],
 level: [1,2]

 labs:   [3,4],
 level : [3,4]

CodePudding user response:

You can use itertools.groupby from the standard library to group the numbers that are not ":". With that you can use zip to pair off the groups.

from itertools import groupby

d = {
 "labs":  [1,2,":",3,4],
 "level": [10,20,":",30,40]

groups = [[(k, list(g)) for b, g in groupby(v, key=lambda n:n != ':') if b] 
          for k, v in d.items()

list(map(dict, zip(*groups)))
# [
#     {'labs': [1, 2], 'level': [10, 20]}, 
#     {'labs': [3, 4], 'level': [30, 40]}
# ]

This should work with arbitrary data. For example with input like:

d = {
 "labs":  [1,2,":",3,4,":", 5, 6],
 "level": [10,20,":",30,40,":",50, 60],

You will get:

[{'labs': [1, 2], 'level': [10, 20], 'others': [-1, -2]},
 {'labs': [3, 4], 'level': [30, 40], 'others': [-3, -4]},
 {'labs': [5, 6], 'level': [50, 60], 'others': [-5, -6]}

But it does expect the lists to be the same length because the way zip() works. If that's not a good assumption you will need to decide what to do with uneven lists. In that case itertools.zip_longest() will probably be helpful.

CodePudding user response:

Use javaScript to resolve this problem, maybe the code is not the best

const obj = {
    labs:  [1,2,":",3,4,":",5,6],
    level: [1,2,":",3,4,":",7,8],
    others: [1,2,":",3,4,":",9,10]

const format = (obj = {}, result = []) => {
    const keys = Object.keys(obj);
    for ( key of keys) {
        const itemValues = obj[key].toString().split(':');
        let tempRes = {}
        itemValues.map((itemValue, index) => {
            Object.assign(tempRes, {
                [`${keys[index]}`]: itemValue.replace(/^(,) |(,) $/g, '').split(',')// you can format value here, also itemValue has special symbols,such as ',' 
    return result;


You will get

  { labs: [ '1', '2' ], level: [ '3', '4' ], others: [ '5', '6' ] },
  { labs: [ '1', '2' ], level: [ '3', '4' ], others: [ '7', '8' ] },
  { labs: [ '1', '2' ], level: [ '3', '4' ], others: [ '9', '10' ] }
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