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Why return through ajax PHP base64 (json string) unable to decode? Prompt error is undefined


$. Ajax ({
Url: "bianjitran. PHP,"
Data: {" id ": arr3. Id},//in front of the name, followed by a value
Type: "POST",

Success: the function (s) {
Try {

Here is wrong: var s2=$base64. Decode (s);//base64 decryption
Alert (s2);//completely could not show

//the following completely ineffective
Arr=JSON. Parse (s2);
Document. The getElementById (" xiangmu2 "). The innerText=arr. Xiangmu;
Document. The getElementById (" gongjubianhao2 "). The innerText=arr. Gongjubianhao;
Document. The getElementById (" wuliaobianma2 "). The innerText=arr. Wuliaobianma;
Document. The getElementById (" mingcheng2 "). The innerText=arr. Mingcheng;
Document. The getElementById (" guigexinghao2 "). The innerText=arr. Guigexinghao;
Document. The getElementById (" danwei2 "). The innerText=arr. Danwei;
Document. The getElementById (" yongtu2 "). The innerText=arr. Yongtu;
Document. The getElementById (" xuqiushijian2 "). The innerText=arr. Xuqiushijian;
Document. The getElementById (" beizhu2 "). The innerText=arr. Beizhu;
Document. The getElementById (" shenqingshijian2 "). The innerText=arr. Shenqingshijian;
Document. The getElementById (" caigoudanhao2 "). The innerText=arr. Caigoudanhao;
Document. The getElementById (" shifoudaohuo2 "). value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/arr.shifoudaohuo;
Document. The getElementById (" cunfangweizhi2 "). value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/arr.cunfangweizhi;
Document. The getElementById (" chukudanhao2 "). value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/arr.chukudanhao;
Document. The getElementById (" daohuoshijian2 "). value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/arr.daohuoshijian;
Document. The getElementById (" id2 "). value=https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/arr.id;

The catch (e) {
Alert (e.n ame + ":" + e.m essage);




Bianjitran. PHP code for

<? PHP
$id=$_POST (" id ");

$conn=mysql_connect (" localhost ", "root", "11111111");//connect to the database server
The mysql_select_db (zonghe, $conn);//connection specified database
Mysql_query (" set names utf8 ");//the coding format conversion in the database, avoid the problem of Chinese garbled
$result=mysql_query (" select * from zonghe2 where id='$id ", $conn);
$row=mysql_fetch_array ($result);
$json_arr=array (" xiangmu=& gt;" $row [' xiangmu], "gongjubianhao=& gt;" $row [' gongjubianhao], "wuliaobianma=& gt;" $row [' wuliaobianma], "mingcheng=& gt;" $row [' mingcheng], "guigexinghao=& gt;" $row [' guigexinghao], "danwei"=& gt; $row [" danwei "], "yongtu=& gt;" $row [' yongtu], "xuqiushijian=& gt;" $row [' xuqiushijian], "beizhu=& gt;" $row [' beizhu], "shenqingshijian=& gt;" $row [' shenqingshijian], "caigoudanhao=& gt;" $row [' caigoudanhao], "shifoudaohuo=& gt;" $row [' shifoudaohuo], "cunfangweizhi=& gt;" $row [' cunfangweizhi], "chukudanhao=& gt;" $row [' chukudanhao], "daohuoshijian=& gt;" $row [' daohuoshijian], "id=" & gt; $row [' id ']);
$json_obj=json_encode ($json_arr); //pass $json_obj back to full if there will be all right, OK!
$json_obj2=base64_encode ($json_obj); //$json_obj2, will not be able to decode, prompt undefined
Echo $json_obj2;


<? PHP

Mysql_close ($conn);

Ajax start quote:
<script SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/js/jquery-3.3.1.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" & gt; </script>
<script SRC="https://bbs.csdn.net/topics/js/jquery.base64.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" & gt; </script>

The great spirit guide, thank you!
https://coding.imooc.com/learn/questiondetail/208.html has the same problem here, but can't see, take money!

CodePudding user response:

See the same problem: https://coding.imooc.com/learn/questiondetail/208.html

For the first time to ask questions, the great god a lot of guidance!

CodePudding user response:

I use the stupid method, strings that will be a problem to the div id=div2:


This piece of string to the base 64 decoding, completely no problem, I don't know where the problem?
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