I am trying to duplicate a value at a particular indexed row and insert this new duplicated row below the original row in the dataframe.
I have the following code:
indexnumber = random.randrange(datafile.shape[0])
newdf = pd.DataFrame(np.repeat(datafile.iloc[indexnumber].values, 2, axis=0))
I want to randomly pick one reaction time and duplicate it, next to the original item, so that if the list is [2,3,4] and the random number is 1, the resulting list should be [2,3,3,4].
I would be so grateful for any help!
The first 10 rows of the Datafile dataframe:
0 307
1 209
2 371
3 266
4 372
5 298
6 338
7 302
8 264
9 247
CodePudding user response:
You can use Index.repeat
with a custom array as repeater:
# set up repeater array with 1s
n = np.ones(len(df))
# pick one random value to be 2
n[np.random.randint(0, len(df))] = 2
# reindex
out = df.loc[df.index.repeat(n)]
Example output:
0 307
1 209
2 371
3 266 # duplicated
3 266 #
4 372
5 298
6 338
7 302
8 264
9 247